Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM



Vialet is the magical creator of Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. She believes that we are meant to have abundant and joyful lives. Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to empower their lives. Vialet is a transformational healer, business coach, author, speaker and teacher. 

She is passionate about empowering other individuals to live better lives. Her students return over and over again to take her classes. Vialet provides a sacred space for learning and supports her students along their spiritual path. If you do not where to start or what class to take first, schedule a time to meet with Vialet for some directions. She loves assisting people on their spiritual journey. Contact her at [email protected]

Vialet does NOT charge a monthly membership fee to have access to her hundreds of articles (blogs), videos (YouTube), and her podcasts. You can check out all of her FREE resources of media at: Medias

She provides a practitioner room to LifeSpark Cancer Resources for volunteers to provide FREE Reiki and Healing Touch sessions to cancer patients. Vialet shares with her Angelic Reiki students the value of volunteering and giving back. Several of her students have become volunteers. 


Vialet has been a retail manager, human resources executive and college professor. Her career has been focused on coaching, mentoring, training and developing people. She has designed, developed and delivered training and education programs for over 20+ years. Vialet provides self-published books to the students at her classes that she has written. 

She is the master teacher of the classes in the The Sacred Temple Mystery School at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts (DYSG). Some of the classes that are offered in the Mystery School include: 

  • Sacred Priesthood
  • Sacred Alchemy
  • Warriors of Light

Vialet offers several educational and certification programs:

  • Angelic Reiki Programs
  • Akashic Records Programs
  • Crystal Alchemy series

These are some of the fun playshops:

  • Broom Making Playshop
  • Intention Candles
  • Magical Fairy Playshop (Apr & May)
  • Psychic Tea Party
  • Sound Bath 

You can come and celebrate the holidays in December with Vialet:

  • Holiday Fairy Playshop
  • Holiday Sound Bath 
  • Holiday Oracle Tarot Party 

Join Vialet for a weekend Retreat: Retreats

You can also schedule a Private Party with Vialet. This must be scheduled 60-90 days in advance. Find out more at: Private Parties


Vialet is a talented and gifted practitioner. She offers a variety of one-on-one services. 

  • Akashic Record Reading sessions
  • Angelic Reiki sessions
  • Divine Healing sessions with sound, crystals, and oils
  • DNA & Merkabah Activations
  • Emotional Release – Cord Cutting
  • Spiritual Conversations (coaching/mentoring sessions)

She offers packages for individuals that are ready to do the work to shift their life: 

  • Keys to Transformation (3-6 month program)
  • Keys to Alchemy (6-12 month program)


“I went to see Vialet for an Akashic Record Reading, a birthday gift to myself. One of the main things I wanted to do was release the blocks I had around money. With all of the self-work I had been doing I could see the block but had trouble identifying exactly what caused it and how to release it. Vialet told me about the past life where I vowed that I never wanted money. She worked with healing guides and angles and released the blocks I had, then re-wrote my contract surrounding money and abundance. On my way home from my reading my Director from work called me to tell me that I had gotten a significant raise for the work that I am doing. So not even 1 hour after my new contract had been written abundance was flowing in! Thank you, Vialet! I am so grateful to you for everything you have taught me and helped bring into my life!” Heather    

“December of 2021, I purchased Vialet’s Unlocking Keys to Transformation (3-month program) package.  I was in a 5-year trench recovering from illness, caring for my chronically ill son, trying to change careers, and then ultimately awakening to who I was married to x 20 yrs with these hardships & heading for divorce.  I’m still walking in this trench, but I can now see the light I’m walking towards and the clarity these sessions provide have truly been a gift of encouragement & support.  The first ‘Divine Healing’ session is AMAZING; your own personal hour-long Sound Bath and Angelic Reiki that you can feel in every cell of your being.  Vialet allows you to record every session and this is sacred because I’ve relistened to the Divine Healings multiple times, feeling more healing with every listen.   Scheduling was breeze too; when I was no longer moving forward and feeling unable to breathe, all I had to do was schedule my next session online with a few clicks of a button and the session ALWAYs brought what I needed at that time. Thank you, Vialet, for creating your space and helping others find their gifts, you’re truly a blessing.” Lee


Vialet is one of the contributors to the Ready to Fly Anthology project for Volume 2. She shares part of her story of strength and courage. the title of her contribution to the book is “Live Your Dream.” Everyone is not living their dream! It is important to remember that you have “free will” to choose the life that you want to live. You are a magical creator of your own reality. What are you creating? What type of life do you want to live? 

Find out more at: Click here

You can pick up a signed copy of Ready to Fly: Volume 2 at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. 

As a teacher, Vialet writes all the books and materials for her classes. She has self-published over twenty books for her classes. Ask her about some of the books that she has written. 

Vialet is also a professional speaker. She shares with audiences her program, “Seven Sacred Keys to Divine Living” and “Setting Sacred Space.” She has been called the Queen of Sacredness and she loves sharing her wisdom on sacredness. 


Vialet has three graduate degrees in Business Administration, Human Resources Management and Human Resources Development. She taught graduate and undergraduate class in business, supervision, marketing, finance and human resources. Vialet assists new spiritual leaders in finding their groove in their own spiritual businesses as well as helping individuals open a successful spiritual center based on their own business model.

She also provides coaching to individuals that are starting their own spiritual business and want to move into building their own business of being a healer, reader or spiritual advisor. Vialet coaches the individuals that work in the center providing them solid direction and guidance on their businesses. 

If you are an individual that would like to open your own new age, spiritual, wellness or metaphysical center, check out Vialet’s Business Coaching Plan at: Click here