Clairaudient is defined as the power or faculty of hearing something not present to the eye but regarded as having objective reality. This is part of your psychic senses.
Is everyone intuitive? Yes, everyone has intuitive abilities. Many individuals disregard or ignore these psychic senses. They may use different ways to describe these abilities. EXAMPLE: My gut tells me that something is wrong. I have an uneasy feeling about taking the job.
These gifts are an important aspect of the way that each of us interact with the world. These senses can provide us guidance in making decisions and being on track with what aligns with our purpose.
PSYCHIC: What is Clear-Hearing?
Do you hear voices or noises in your space? I have heard my name called with no one else at home. I have heard music or sound in the distance and no one else hears it. Have you had these experiences? Sometimes, these can be as soft as a whisper.
Today, we are focusing on being Clairaudient.
Clairaudience is the messages that come into your mind using your voice or other sounds. The messages may seem louder or clearer than your thoughts. It can also whisper in your ears. When you are starting to connect to this gift, you may experience ringing or high pitch noises.
An example: You have been asking your guides a question or you have been seeking an answer to a problem in your life. As you are working on your computer, you hear the answer within your mind.
PSYCHIC: Are you clairaudient?
- You feel like you hear what animals and plants are saying.
- You hear messages in music or on the radio.
- You sometimes hear what others are thinking.
- You become irritable or overwhelmed with too much noise.
- You avoid loud places.
- You utilize music or sound to shift your moods.
- You like to talk things out.
- You hear intuitive answers in your own voice.
- You hear voices or sounds in the distance.
- You need quiet time.
These individuals receive messages in several forms. They may be guided by music, commercials, movies, videos, etc. The messages may come from a conversation with a stranger or child.
How can you develop Clairaudience?
- Make time for stillness and/or meditation every day. Find guided meditations that work best for you.
- Set a quiet space, close your eyes and listen. Allow yourself to surrender to all the sounds around you.
- Take a walk in nature. Ask for messages to be received during your walk. Listen to the possibilities.
- Spend time in the morning listening to all the sounds outside. Separate and identify each of the sounds.
- Practice listening skills. When you visit with friends or family, set a challenge to listen deeply to the conversations. Notice the tones and inflections within the conversation.
- Commit to listening to music and podcasts more than watching TV or video games. Unplug from devices and truly listen.
Find fun ways to practice developing your intuition daily.

Psychic Development Series
Everyone is intuitive. Some individuals consider these their Superpowers. Vialet calls them your Navigation System. When you connect and work with your spiritual gifts, they will guide you in your daily activities. You have connected to this system from time to time. It may have been described as your gut instinct or you may have had a strong feeling about something or someone. These are gifts that you came into this physical reality with.
Vialet B Rayne has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.
Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.