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Wisdom of Dragons

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Are you drawn to dragons? Would you like to know more about them? 

These powerful elementals are guardians of this planet. They harness the life force energies of creation and provide unconditional love for the planet. Dragons represent the balance of masculine and feminine energies. 

They symbolize power, protection, strength, and wisdom. You can find a variety of perspectives with the dragon myths and various cultures throughout history. For some cultures, dragons represent luck, fortune, and prosperity. 

There are numerous types of dragons: 

  • Fire Dragons: These dragons hold the energies of fire. They provide us with guidance and clarity along our spiritual path. 
  • Water Dragons: These dragons resonate with the energies of water. They provide us with healing and understanding of our emotional state. 
  • Air Dragons: These dragons hold the energies of air. They encourage us to become more aware of our thoughts and belief systems. 
  • Earth Dragons: These dragons resonate with the energies of earth. They keep us grounded and provide stability on our path. 
  • Ascension Dragons: These dragons appear as white dragons. They support us with ascension by encouraging us to seek a divine path of purpose. 
  • Celestial Dragons: These dragons are strongly connected to the Angelic Kingdom. They support the divine creator in keeping energetic balance on our planet. 
  • Garden Dragons: They are guardians of the planet. They support the care of plants and animals. Garden dragons can assist you in being a better steward of the planet. 
  • Protector Dragons: These dragons are protectors of the dimensional portals on the planet. They are guarding these portals so that we do not walk or fall through them. Protector dragons also provide you with protection. 
  • Cosmic Dragons: These are galactic dragons. They hold the wisdom of the universe. 

Dragons can appear in your meditations, during dream state, or as powerful guides in your work. I have enjoyed working with the dragons. They are powerful energies. They appear in a form that will not frighten you. Dragons can be massive in size, and they do not want to scare you. 


INVITATION: Invite them into your life and work. Everyone likes to be invited to come or to participate. Dragons want to be welcomed into your life as well. Have you taken the time to sit in stillness and to connect with them? 

BREATH WORK: Dragons can assist with breath work. Your breath work can clear and reset your energies throughout the day. This is a powerful tool for bringing in clarity and focus. 

CLEARING WORK: The breath of the dragon can clear the energies of the space and you of all negative and imbalanced energies. Have you ever used your dragons to clear a space? The dragons provide sacred clearing on all levels. 

PROTECTION: They hold powerful protection. I love to request protection for myself and sacred space from the dragons. They hold a higher vibration of energy, so I will also ask them to hold the energies of the space to the highest vibration. 

ANCIENT TEACHINGS: Dragons have existed on this planet since the beginning of time. They hold the ancient wisdom of this planet. You can choose to call them forward as teachers of the old ways. 

LOYALTY: They are loyal beings. Dragons teach the importance of sacredness, loyalty, and dedication to your work. 

Take time this month to begin connecting to these powerful elemental beings.



Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.

Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.

3 responses to “Wisdom of Dragons”

  1. Sandra L Smith Avatar
    Sandra L Smith

    Thank you for the information on dragons. I read about them while sitting after a flu shot. I didn’t know of their healing power. I will mediate on them more often.

    1. vialet09 Avatar

      Dragons can be powerful healers.

  2. registrarse en Binance Avatar

    Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.