Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM

Guided Meditation for Chakra Healing


We hope you will enjoy this guided meditation for Chakra Healing.

Find a comfortable place without distraction.

Set your Sacred Space.

Light a candle.

Take some deep, cleansing breaths.

Allow each breath, in and out, to center and ground you.

When you are ready, begin the meditation.

When you are ready push play and begin the meditation. (Pause)

You can listen to the meditation here:


Continue to take deep breaths in and out.

Allow your breaths to align with your heartbeat.

These breaths are gentle and healing.

Each breath is taking you deeper into a meditative state.

Your shoulders are beginning to relax.

You are becoming more and more comfortable in your space.

You are resting comfortably in a beautiful healing chamber.

You are lying flat on a soft bed and the lighting is dim.

As you look around the room, the ceiling and walls are clear quartz crystals.

The space seems to be vibrating in alignment to your breaths.

As you listen to my voice, you are going deeper within yourself.

Today, we are going to clear, balance, and activate your chakras.

The chakras are etheric energy centers connecting with all the energies around you.


Take a moment and connect with your Root Base Chakra.

It is located at the base of your spine.

This chakra is associated with the energies of strength, survival, success, passion, security, focus, and grounding.

How secure are you in your life? (Pause)

Do you feel financially secure? (Pause)

Are you able to be physically present? (Pause)

The healing chamber shifts to the color red.

The clear quartz crystals are bright red.

Red light fills the chamber, and everything is bright red.

Breathe this healing red light into your body.

Allow these energies to move into every cell.

As the energy moves into your body, visualize any and all stuck energy being released.

Release any fears and doubts that you have in living a secure life.

With intention, visualize your Root Base Chakra spinning clockwise.

Take some deep cleansing breaths.

Allow yourself to disconnect from the energies of red.

Breathe in and out with grace and ease (Pause)


Take a moment and connect with your Sacral Chakra.

It is located just below the belly button.

This chakra is associated with the energies of creativity, sexuality, sensuality, fertility, and pleasure.

How creative are you? (Pause)

Do you feel sexy? (Pause)

Are you able to connect with your sensuality? (Pause)

The healing chamber shifts to the color orange.

The clear quartz crystals are now a bold orange color.

Orange light fills the chamber, and everything is bold orange.

Breathe this healing orange light into your body.

Allow the energies to move into every cell.

As the energy moves into your body, visualize any and all stuck energy being released.

Release any blocks you may have to your passion and sexuality.

With intention, visualize your Sacral Chakra spinning clockwise.

Take some deep cleansing breaths.

Allow yourself to disconnect from the energies of orange.

Breathe in and out with grace and ease (Pause)


Take a moment and connect with your Solar Plexus Chakra.

It is located just above the belly button.

This chakra is associated with the energies of self-confidence, personal power, joy, clarity, and motivation.

How confident are you? (Pause)

Do you feel motivated? (Pause)

Are you able to stand in your own personal power? (Pause)

The healing chamber shifts to the color yellow.

The clear quartz crystals are now bright yellow.

This yellow light fills the chamber, and everything is bright yellow.

Breathe this healing yellow light into your body.

Allow the energies to move into every cell.

As the energy moves into your body, visualize any and all stuck energy being released.

Release any blocks you have with your self-confidence.

With intention, visualize your Solar Plexus Chakra spinning clockwise.

Take some deep cleansing breaths.

Allow yourself to disconnect from the energies of yellow.

Breathe in and out with grace and ease (Pause)


Take a moment and connect with your Heart Chakra.

It is located in the center of the chest.

This chakra is associated with the energies of love, kindness, healing, generosity, and forgiveness.

How compassionate are you with others? (Pause)

Do you easily forgive others? (Pause)

Are you open to love? (Pause)

The healing chamber shifts to the color green.

The clear quartz crystals are now a bold green.

Green light fills the chamber, and everything is bold green.

Breathe this healing green light into your body.

Allow the energies to move into every cell.

As the energy moves into your body, visualize any and all stuck energy being released.

Release any blocks to love, healing, & forgiveness.

With intention, visualize your Heart Chakra spinning clockwise.

Take some deep cleansing breaths.

Allow yourself to disconnect from the energies of green.

Breathe in and out with grace and ease (Pause)


Take a moment and connect with your Throat Chakra.

It is located in the throat area.

This chakra is associated with the energies of self-expression, communication, freedom, and speaking your truth.

How do you show up in life? (Pause)

Do you easily express your words and feelings to others? (Pause)

Are you able to speak your truth? (Pause)

The healing chamber shifts to the color blue.

The clear quartz crystals are now a bright blue.

Blue light fills the chamber, and everything is bright blue.

Breathe this healing blue light into your body.

Allow the energies to move into every cell.

As the energy moves into your body, visualize any and all stuck energy being released.

Release any blocks to speaking your truth and being authentic.

With intention, visualize your Throat Chakra spinning clockwise.

Take some deep cleansing breaths.

Allow yourself to disconnect from the energies of blue.

Breathe in and out with grace and ease (Pause)


Take a moment and connect with your Third Eye Chakra.

It is located in the center of the head.

This chakra is associated with the energies of awakening, ascension, psychic gifts, inner vision, and wisdom.

Do you trust yourself to make good decisions? (Pause)

Do you often experience clarity in your life? (Pause)

Are you open to listening to your intuition? (Pause)

The healing chamber shifts to the color indigo blue.

The clear quartz crystals are now a deep indigo blue.

Blue light fills the chamber, and everything is deep blue.

Breathe this healing blue light into your body.

Allow the energies to move into every cell.

As the energy moves into your body, visualize any and all stuck energy being released.

Release any blocks to your intuitive gifts.

With intention, visualize your Third Eye Chakra spinning clockwise.

Take some deep cleansing breaths.

Allow yourself to disconnect from the energies of blue.

Breathe in and out with grace and ease (Pause)


Take a moment and connect with your Crown Chakra.

It is located at the top of the head.

This chakra is associated with the energies of angelic, spirituality, purity, divinity, and potential. 

How do you feel about your spirituality? (Pause)

Do you easily connect to the angelic realm and upper dimensions? (Pause)

Are you able to step into your divinity? (Pause)

The healing chamber shifts to the color purple.

The clear quartz crystals are now a deep purple.

Purple light fills the chamber, and everything is deep purple.

Breathe this healing purple light into your body.

Allow the energies to move into every cell.

As the energy moves into your body, visualize any and all stuck energy being released.

Release any blocks to your connection with the Divine.

With intention, visualize your Crown Chakra spinning clockwise.

Take some deep cleansing breaths.

Allow yourself to disconnect from the energies of purple.

Breathe in and out with grace and ease (Pause)


Tap into the beautiful Divine Light above your body.

Allow the light to fill the room with healing light.

The light is clearing your Central Channel.

It is removing any blocks preventing you from bringing light into your life.

Give the light permission to dissolve any and all blocks.

Breathe in and out.

Focus on feeling grounded.

It is time to return.

Bring your attention into the present.

Take some deep breaths and disconnect from the energies of this meditation.

Welcome back!


ACTION: Check out Vialet’s online classes at: She also has several books available on Amazon. Search for Vialet B Rayne.

You can listen to the meditation here:



Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.

Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.