Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM

Online Classes

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts (DYSG) offers over 20+ online classes. These programs can be taken anytime from anywhere. Some of the programs are offered in packages and you can purchase the series at a discounted rate. 

  • Start & finish on your schedule
  • Self-paced programs
  • Recorded Lectures, Meditations, Demonstrations, etc.
  • Downloadable Documents
  • Knowledge Checks
  • Comments

Most of these programs are offered in-person in Denver, CO. If you are unable to attend these programs, you can take them online.

Check out all the offerings: Click here

These programs are a larger commitment with your time and financially. When you complete these programs, you will earn a certification. Some of the programs will include the book. The book will be mailed to your home within 14 business days of registering for the program.

These programs offer some techniques, tools, and new perspectives without a big investment of time or money. They are great way to get started with the practical.