Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM

Meditation: Connect to Your Magic


Guided Meditation: Connect to Your Magic

Find a comfortable place without distraction.

Set your Sacred Space.

Light a candle.

Take some deep, cleansing breaths.

Allow each breath, in and out, to center and ground you.

You may pause the video until you are ready to begin.

When you are ready, push play and begin the meditation. (Pause)

You can listen to the meditation here:


Continue to take deep breaths in and out.

Allow your breaths to align with your heartbeat. 

These breaths are gentle and healing. 

Each breath is taking you deeper into a meditative state.

Your shoulders are beginning to relax. 

You have been transported to a magical place.

The colors of this magical place are bright and vivid. 

It is the most beautiful place. 

The flowers are moving and flowing with the musical heartbeat of this place. 

They seem to be smiling at you.

You are walking over to a bench sitting on the edge of the garden. 

The bench has brightly colored cushions. 

Magic is all around you.

It is within you. 

A fairy appears in front of you. 

She is beautiful and you are taking in all the details of her face, hair, & eyes. 

Her wings are iridescent aqua and pink. 

They shimmer brightly as she flies around you. 

She nods her head, and a wand appears in your hand. 

She directs you to wave the wand in front of you. 

When you wave the wand, a mirror appears in front of you.

The mirror is floating a few feet in front of you. 

It has a silver frame, and the mirror is an oval shape. 

You can see yourself in the reflection. 

The fairy tells you that the mirror will reveal your greatest magical gifts. 

Take a deep cleansing breath and look into the mirror. 

What image appears in the mirror? (Pause)

Make a mental note of the image. 

Do you hold multiple gifts? (Pause)

Ask the mirror if there are more images for you. (Pause)

What do you see in the mirror? (Pause)

Make a mental note of all the images that you see. 


When your attention returns to the magical place, you see many different magical creatures. 

They have all come to support you. 

Take a moment to connect with them. (Pause)

It is time that you begin to trust yourself and the Universe. 

The Universe has much to show you.

Are you ready to step into the magic of all things? (Pause)

Nod your head with approval. 

You are created by the Divine.

You are a magical creator.

You have all that you need to live a joyful life. 

Take one last look around you. 

It is time to return. 


Breathe in and out.

Allow yourself to be grounded. 

Bring your attention to the present. 

Take some deep breaths and disconnect from the energies of this meditation. 

Welcome back!

You can listen to the meditation here:


ACTION: Check out Vialet’s online classes at: She also has several books available on Amazon. Search for Vialet B Rayne.



Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.

Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.