Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM


  • Essential Oils For Harvesting Prosperity and Money Flow💰

    What essential oils with assist you with money flow? Many individuals who struggle with financial success are dealing with old belief systems, ancestor blocks, past life agreements, and much more. You can dissolve these old… Read more

  • Create a Sacred Sanctuary at Home

    ************************ Create a Sacred Sanctuary at home. Stress has become a part of our daily lives. Life can feel overwhelming at times if you don’t create opportunities for peace and relaxation. If you are a… Read more

  • Working with the Crown Chakra Energy Center

    ****************** How can you work with your Crown Chakra? Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means ‘wheel of light’. Traditionally there are seven chakras and these are the energy centers of the etheric body. The… Read more

  • Guided Meditation for Your Crown Chakra Energy Center

    Take the time to read or listen to this guided meditation for your Crown Chakra. ****************** Find a comfortable place without distraction. Set your Sacred Space. Light a candle. Take some deep, cleansing breaths. Allow… Read more

  • What is Clairvoyance: Developing Your Psychic Abilities

    What is Clairvoyance? Clairvoyance is defined as the power or faculty of discerning objects not present to the senses or the ability to perceive matters beyond the range of ordinary perception.  Is everyone intuitive? Yes,… Read more

  • Release Stress with ESSENTIAL OILS for Better Living

    Stress has become a regular part of our lives. A certain amount of stress is healthy. It will motivate us and move us forward. However, there are individuals experiencing extreme levels of stress and this… Read more

  • Shifting the Negative Mindset to the Positive

    Your mind is a powerful generator, along with your heart. It is time to shift to the positive. What you focus on in your daily life is what you are creating. I understand how tough… Read more

  • Working with Your Third Eye Chakra

    ********************** Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means ‘wheel of light’. Traditionally there are seven chakras and these are the energy centers of the etheric body. The chakras appear as wheel-like vortices of pure energy… Read more

  • Third Eye Chakra Meditation

    ********************** Find a comfortable place without distraction. Set your Sacred Space. Light a candle. Take some deep, cleansing breaths. Allow each breath, in and out, to center and ground you. You may pause the video… Read more

  • What Are Unicorns

    ******************* These mythical creatures have been part of our childhood stories and fairy tales. Unicorns are beings of the angelic realms who are returning to Earth to aid us on our path to ascension. They… Read more

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I’m Vialet, thank you for checking out my weekly blog. I provide spiritual education on a variety of topics. You can also check out these as video blogs on my YouTube channel.

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