Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM

Sacred Alchemy Path 08 Graduation

This program is for the alchemist that is ready to learn more about the esoteric teachings of the ages. The students will step into the energies of the South to transform the physical aspects of their lives. This journey will provide deeper understandings of alchemy, ascension and consciousness. 

Program Cost: $2,499

This is the cost for one class or all of them. This is a path of commitment. If you drop from the program, any payments made are non-refundable. We prepare for these classes by ordering books and supplies for each of the students. This is an investment that we are making for your spiritual transformation. It is important that the students are ready and willing to invest their time, energy and finances to the work. 

This program is not a certification. It will not give you a certificate of completion. The program has been created by Vialet from her spiritual journey, classes, books and special guidance from her guides and master teachers, Archangel Metatron & Lord Melchizedek. You can check out her spiritual experiences at: Spiritual Experience

This journey is about transformation!


Pay a one-time fee of $2.499. This payment is non-refundable. If you are unable to start the program, you may shift your registration to the next class. NOTE: You may not combine discount offers.


You may elect to make monthly payments of $228 per month. The first payment will be due thirty (30 ) days before the class begins. You will make eleven (11) monthly payments. The payments are due on the first of the month of each class. You will be invoiced at the end of the month. NOTE: This monthly billing will occur even for the months that classes are not scheduled until the balance is paid in full.

NOTE: Pricing is subject to change. The program cost will be evaluated and may be adjusted six months before the program begins. If you would like to make sure that you have the current price, you will need to register and pay for the first class to hold your spot and the current rate. 

DISCLAIMER: As with any educational spiritual ascension program, your experience is going to vary from the other student’s experiences and testimonials. Spiritual growth, self-actualization and transformation are personal and subjective – and results vary from individual to individual. Your transformation on this path is dependent on how much time and commitment you are willing to put into it. Your will be given ancient rituals and magical tools to integrate and use in your daily life. These items will assist you in navigating your life and being the magical creator that you were meant to be. This will take you time, effort and dedication to these teachings. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee results. This is not a “Quick Fix” approach to life. These teachings will transform your perspective and life if you choose to do the work.