Archangel Chamuel: Embracing Cosmic Love and Healing the Inner Child
Find a comfortable, quiet place where you can sit or lie down undisturbed. Close your eyes and take a deep, slow breath in through your nose, filling your lungs completely. Exhale gently through your mouth, letting go of any tension or stress. Continue to breathe slowly and deeply, allowing yourself to relax with each inhale and exhale.
Let your body soften, your mind quieten, and your heart begin to open to the healing energy that surrounds you. Trust that this moment is dedicated to your healing, your growth, and your deepening connection with love.
Invoking Archangel Chamuel
Now visualize a soft, radiant pink light filling the space around you. This is the presence of Archangel Chamuel, the Angel of Cosmic Love. Feel her warm and gentle energy surrounding you, wrapping you in a blanket of unconditional love. Archangel Chamuel carries the Pink Ray of Love, a powerful energy that fills you with deep compassion, tenderness, and understanding.
See her before you, standing with arms open wide, her loving gaze filled with kindness and acceptance. You may notice her wings, shimmering in soft pink hues, glowing with divine love. Archangel Chamuel invites you to surrender into her loving embrace, knowing that you are safe and cherished in this moment.
Embracing Love
Allow Archangel Chamuel to come closer, her presence gentle yet profound. With every breath you take, feel her love surround you, expanding with each inhale. Picture this pink light moving through your body, starting from the top of your head, and slowly flowing down through your heart, your arms, your legs, all the way to your feet.
Feel this Pink Ray of Love filling you from the inside out, healing every cell, every thought, and every emotion. This love is divine, unconditional, and cosmic—it has no limits, no conditions, no judgment. It is a love that is always available to you, regardless of where you are on your journey.
As Archangel Chamuel’s love flows through you, allow yourself to receive this love fully. Let go of any barriers or doubts that may prevent you from accepting love, and trust that you are worthy of this divine, infinite love.
Healing the Inner Child
Archangel Chamuel invites you to connect with a very special part of yourself—the inner child within you. This is the part of you that carries the purest essence of who you are, the part of you that holds your innocence, joy, creativity, and love. Take a deep breath and gently call upon your inner child.
Imagine your inner child standing before you. It may be a younger version of yourself, radiating with love and longing for affection. See this child in front of you, eyes full of wonder and hope, waiting for you to embrace them with the love that they so deeply need.
Allow Archangel Chamuel to step forward and stand beside you, her energy of love enveloping both you and your inner child. Let her guide you to hold your inner child in your arms, to speak gently and lovingly to them. See yourself offering unconditional love and comfort to this child within. You may say the following words, or speak from your heart:
“I love you, my dear child. I see you. I honor you. You are worthy of love and safety. You are cherished. I am here for you, always, and together we will heal.”
Allow the energy of love from Archangel Chamuel to pour into you and your inner child, gently healing old wounds, fears, or hurts. Imagine this love dissolving any pain, any fear, or any limiting beliefs that have been carried since childhood. Feel your heart expanding with love for this precious version of yourself.
What does your inner child want you to know? What guidance do they have for you?
Healing the Heart and Strengthening Self-Love
Now, bring your awareness back to your own heart. As you hold your inner child, you are also strengthening your own heart. Feel the Pink Ray of Love filling every corner of your being. With every breath, you are learning to love yourself more fully, more deeply, and more unconditionally.
Archangel Chamuel asks you to repeat the following affirmations to yourself at this moment, either silently or aloud:
- “I am worthy of love.”
- “I accept love from others and from myself.”
- “I forgive myself for past mistakes and embrace my true self.”
- “I trust that love is my natural state of being.”
- “I am whole, I am loved, and I am safe.”
Let these affirmations sink deeply into your being. With every repetition, feel your confidence in your worthiness as it grows. The more you love yourself, the more you will experience love from others. Archangel Chamuel reminds you that self-love is the foundation of all healing and growth.
Closing the Meditation
As this beautiful healing session with Archangel Chamuel draws to a close, take a moment to offer gratitude for the divine love and healing you have received. Thank Archangel Chamuel for her loving guidance and the pink energy that now surrounds and supports you.
Slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes, feeling the earth beneath you, and gently open your eyes when you are ready.
Remember that this love, this healing, is always available to you. You can call upon Archangel Chamuel at any time to surround you with cosmic love and guide you to deeper self-love and acceptance.
As you go about your day, carry the Pink Ray of Love with you, knowing that you are always worthy of love, peace, and healing.
End of Meditation.

Angelic Reiki Programs
Vialet teaches the Angelic Reiki Programs in Denver. Angelic Reiki is powerful for personal and professional growth. This method of healing was channeled by Archangel Metatron to Kevin Core. In this process, the Angelic Kingdom is your guide to being the channel for the Hand of the Divine. It brings together the human consciousness and the Divine consciousness in a process that is now termed Ascension. If you are reading this, you have heard the call to join us and bring to Earth the Divine Mind.
The Program
This program is great for both beginners and experienced healers. These attunements will connect you to the most powerful Angelic energy available to us. This healing modality has not been used since Atlantis and Lemuria. The energies are anchored in the ascension flame of Atlantis. This program will accelerate your ascension process.

Vialet B Rayne is an accomplished author, spiritual educator, and healer with over 50+ published works tailored for her classes. She has been featured in various published books and articles, and her expertise has led her to be a sought-after speaker at expos, retreats, and conferences, in addition to being a guest on numerous podcasts. She is the host of the Gold Award-Winning Podcast, Sacred Magic.
Vialet holds the titles of Master/Teacher in Angelic Reiki, Fairy Reiki, and Reiki with the Violet Flame. She is a gifted Sound Healer and an Akashic Record Master. As the founder of the Sacred Temple Mystery School and the creative force behind Discover Your Spiritual Gifts in Denver, Colorado. Vialet passionately educates and guides others on their spiritual journeys. She teaches 10+ programs a month at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts in Denver.
The Sacred Temple Mystery School in Centennial, Colorado has been gifted to Vialet by Archangel Metatron and Lord Melchizedek. The graduates of Sacred Priesthood are initiated into the Sacred Order of Priesthood. All of the initiates become members of the Great White Brotherhood and Sisterhood and they serve the Cosmic and Spiritual Hierarchy of Light.