Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM

Bring in More Joy to Your Life

Searching for more joy in your life?

Joy is an emotional response that happens when you experience something positive in your life or for someone that you care about. When you experience joy, it is about something important to you.

What is the difference between happiness and joy? Happiness is an emotion that an individual experiences as a feeling of contentment and satisfaction. Joy is a stronger emotion, often full of personal sacrifice and spiritual connection. These definitions define joy as aligning your experience of satisfaction with your spiritual connection of life.

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My husband, Tom, believes that an individual can experience happiness, but they cannot experience joy. And I believe that I have experienced joy many times in my life. The joy of making a difference for someone else, the joy of knowing that another person has found their Light, the joy of living a life aligned with my purpose.

Joy can be a BIG emotion for someone. It may seem impossible to achieve. The only person limiting your ability to find joy in your life is YOU!


Think about this statement, what inspires you? This would be something that you are passionate about or someone that lights a spark within you. Inspiration can be big or small. It can be elaborate or simple. Have you ever taken time to connect to the energies of creation in a sunset or sunrise? I am talking about sitting and allowing yourself to really take in the beauty of the sunset or sunrise. 

There is a place in our neighborhood where cars park and watch the sunset. There will be several parked cars watching each day.

Have you ever had a teacher, facilitator, or speaker inspire you? Did you reflect on the experience several days after it occurred? The information provided really resonated with you or the place you were in. It inspired you to have a new perspective, idea, understanding, and/or belief. You may have been motivated to get moving or to change directions.


What is your passion? Your passion is the essence of who you are. It is important that you uncover your passion, so that you can bring more joy into all areas of your life. When you discover your passion, you align your mind, body, and soul in perfect harmony.

Karen Putz wrote a book, “Unwrapping Your Passion, Creating the Life You Truly Want.” She discovered five distinctive traits of people living their passion:

  1. Authenticity: People that know who they are and what they want will be driven by their passions to meet their goals, dreams, and plans. 
  2. Self-driven: These individuals will go above and beyond any expectations set by themselves or others. 
  3. High-energy: Passion is energy, and it will drive individuals to perform above average. 
  4. Resilience: They will be driven and will work through obstacles and boundaries.

Your passion will Light up your world and give your life joy. Harmony comes from being aligned with who you are and what your purpose is for this lifetime.


What is your purpose? Your purpose gives you focus and direction. It can provide stability. Your purpose is unique to you. It is what drives you from your soul. Everyone has their own skills, talents, interests, and experiences that are aligned with their purpose. Your purpose comes to you naturally without a lot of effort.

Everything you have done in your life that has been enjoyable and made you happy is aligned with your purpose. These are the experiences that have been the most fulfilling. A passion-filled career allows one to work in a field that aligns with their purpose. If you are lucky, you will get paid for doing something that you are passionate about.

I am very blessed to be able to support people on their healing journey, spiritual path, and to bring more joy and abundance into their lives. My heart fills with joy when I make a difference for someone else.

Find your joy through inspiration, passion, and purpose.    



Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.

Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.