Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM

Business Corner: The Product or Service Sells Itself

Do you believe that your product or service will sell itself?

When I graduated from college, I thought that everyone would be knocking on my door to offer me a job. I had spent several years taking classes, submitting assignments, passing tests, etc. I believed that all needed was a certificate that stated that I had completed my college work. The reality was that it never worked that way. I had look for the jobs, apply for the jobs, interview for the jobs, get the jobs, and prove that I was capable to do the work.

When you receive your certificate or training to be a reader, healer, and/or coach, and are ready to get started, the same is true. The new business owner that believes they only need to rent an office, put up a sign, and wait for the clients to come knocking on the door is going to be disappointed in the results. Setting up and starting a new business takes work!

I see this every day in my center. A new person comes and wants to be a reader and practitioner at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. They are excited to start their own business and they have big dreams about their future. The center provides amazing opportunities for new business owners, but it requires work on the part of the reader and/or practitioner to get the business started.

Here some seasoned advice for those looking to grow their business this year:


You must be able to find your voice.  This requires you to be able to share with others who you are and what you do. This sounds simple. Most individuals are not able to find the words to explain who they are and what they do. They are not comfortable going up to a stranger and talking to them about who they are and what they do.

“Hi, my name is Vialet. I am the magical creator of Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. I am passionate about creating a sacred haven for like-minded individuals to gather and discover who they are.” 

This is my five-second elevator pitch. I have recorded hundreds of videos, written numerous articles, and taught classes to nearly a thousand students. I started this business in 2017 and we still have new people find us for the first time almost every day. It has taken lots of work to be at the place that we are at today. The opportunity that you dream of is not going to knock on your door. You must be willing to knock on as many doors as possible to bring in your dreams.


There are several of us that do this work full-time and many of us make a good living doing what we are passionate about. It took time to build our tribes and to create long lasting connections. Most individuals will not step into a reading, healing, or session until they feel comfortable with the individual. You have to gain their trust and be able to make a personal connection.

How can you make a connection? Some people will connect with someone through videos. The business professionals that are able to be vulnerable and to share their expertise on videos or live streaming have an opportunity to connect with their tribe on a personal level without meeting them.

There are individuals that have the skill of the hard sell. They are able to sell their products and/or services to everyone that they meet. They will talk about them to the cashier at the grocery store or the teller at the bank. This approach is not for everyone.

Some more passive ways to connect to individuals is through networking programs, social gatherings & groups, community events, expos, etc. You will need to find places and programs that will allow you to connect with your ideal client or student.

The individuals that work at the center have a community of like-minded individuals at their fingertips, but they still need to find ways to make a personal connection with our customers, clients, visitors, team members, staff, etc.


Okay, you are ready to get started! What is your strategy for growing your business? How will you find your tribe? How will you connect with people?

It will be important for you to have a plan that relies on your efforts in growing your business.


_____ Who is your ideal client?

_____ What makes you different from everyone else?

_____ How many people do you want to connect with each week?

_____ Where are you going to connect with these people?

_____ What is your goal each week, each month, etc?

_____ Are you going to invest in advertising or promotion?

_____ Are you going to create and post on social media? How often?

_____ Are you going to do videos? How many videos?


_____ Who will benefit from your program? How do you find them?

_____ Are you going to offer a new program? Will you offer intro programs?

_____ How does your program compare to other programs? Cost? Value?

_____ How many people do you want to connect with each week?

_____ Where are you going to connect to these people?

_____ What is your goal each week, each month, etc.?

_____ Are you going to invest in advertising or promotion?

_____ Are you going to create and post on social media? How often?

_____ Are you going to do videos? How many videos?

_____ Are you going to create marketing materials? Business cards, Postcards…


_____ What services are you going to offer?

_____ What makes you different from everyone else?

_____ Who is your client? Where are you going to find them? 

_____ Who are you going to connect with each week to expand your business? 

_____ Are you going to invest in advertising or promotion?

_____ Are you going to create and post on social media? How often?

_____ Are you going to do videos? How many videos?

_____ Are you going to create marketing

_____ Will you offer packages? Referral programs?

_____ Will you offer discounts? Scholarships?

Take some time and decide what work you’ll need to do to grow your business. Do not expect others to grow it for you! Business owners that are willing to do the work and are able to share their information with others are the ones that will be successful. The truth is that your product or service will sell itself after you have a following or audience interested in what you do.


Are your ready to be a spiritual business owner?

I provide coaching to individuals that are starting their own spiritual business and want to move into building their own business of being a healer, reader, or spiritual advisor. I coach individuals that work in the center, providing them solid direction and guidance on their businesses.  Contact me directly for information on business coaching and mentoring.



Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.

Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.