Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM

The CRYSTALS for Bringing in Love

These crystals assist you with connecting to love. This connection can be for attracting a partner, bringing in more loving relationships, or loving yourself more. These are the perfect crystals to assist you in connecting with love in all areas of your life.  

Are you ready to bring more love into your life, including loving yourself?

The crystals featured for love this month are Desert Rose, Garnet, Pink Calcite, Pink Opal, Rhodochrosite, & Rose Quartz.

Desert Rose

Grief * Self-Confidence * Emotional Healing * Self-Love * Prosperity

Root & Crown Chakra * Air Element

These crystals are said to contain a spirit guardian, and each one is different. Because of these energies, they are used as a protective talisman. Desert Rose will remind you and your lover to be friends. It enhances the warmth and closeness that you have in the relationship.

Desert Rose is a powerful healer. It reminds you of your worth and encourages you to love yourself more. This crystal brings balance and harmony into your life and space.


Strength * Love & Relationships * Manifestation * Passion

Root & Heart Chakra * Fire Element

This crystal cleanses and re-energizes the chakras. It purifies and balances the energies connected to love and relationships. Garnet brings in courage and hope to help you move forward in life. It opens the heart to receive and bestows self-confidence. This crystal allows you to get comfortable with your own sexuality and sensuality.

Pink Calcite

Nurturing * Soothing * Loving * Emotional Well-being

Throat & Heart Chakra * Fire Element

This is the perfect crystal for someone who is falling in love. Pink Calcite enhances feelings of love for someone or for life in general. It is also called Mangano Calcite. This is the Stone of Compassion. This crystal heals the heart chakra and offers the individual hope.

Pink Opal

Emotional Healing * Inner Peace * Gentle Love * Spiritual Awakening

Heart & Higher Heart Chakra * Water Element

Pink Opal provides healing for the wounds of the heart. It provides a deeper connection to your heart and allows you to be open to new possibilities. This crystal dissolves old fears and blocks to love. It is compassionate and nurturing for the heart. This stone will free you from the emotions of guilt, shame, and inhibition. It frees you to be more spontaneous.


Inner Child * Emotional Healing * Personal Power * Courage

Heart Chakra * Earth Element

This crystal encourages you to feel love for yourself and aids in emotional healing. It helps you embrace your own personal power so you can reach your full potential.

Rhodochrosite stimulates the inner child and brings childlike happiness and joy into your life. It brings in deep forgotten memories from your childhood. If there were events or beliefs from your childhood that prevented you from connecting with your spiritual gifts, this crystal will heal and connect you with these gifts.

Rose Quartz

Unconditional Love * Gentle Healing * Compassion * Beauty

Heart & Higher Heart Chakra * Water Element

This is the stone of the heart. It brings in unconditional love and understanding. The energies of this crystal include gentleness, tenderness, compassion, peace, and self-love. This crystal carries a soft feminine energy, and it speaks directly to your Heart chakra.


In February, our Crystal Alchemy class is connecting with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils that support us in connecting to love. You can use these tools to enhance your current relationships or to bring in new relationships. It is time to nurture the relationships in your life and to learn how to love yourself. This month, connect with loving yourself and others.

The Crystal Alchemy teachings include:

  • Intuitive Connections
  • Taking Time to Love Yourself
  • Self-Love Crystal Set
  • The Energy of the Rose
  • Essential Oil Frequencies
  • Self-Love Ritual
  • Bring in Love Ritual
  • Healing A Relationship
  • Setting Your Intentions with Crystals
  • Energetic Balance Ritual
  • Love Altar
  • Mermaid Energies
  • Energy of February
  • Pull Your Card for February
  • And, much more

ACTION: Register today to attend the Crystal Alchemy: Connect to Love class at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts in Littleton, Colorado You will be provided tools for improving and attracting love into your life.  When you attend in person, you get 25% off your crystal purchases the night of the class. Find out more and register here:

NOTE: You can also attend the online class at: The book is available on Amazon. Search for Vialet B. Rayne.

You can view the video at:



Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.

Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.