Do you love crystals? Do you know someone that loves them? This holiday program allows the participants to create a holiday gift for themselves or someone that they love. You will get to select twelve crystals that can support the individual receiving the 🎁 gift.
Vialet B Rayne loves the holidays. This is her birthday month. Come and experience her passion for the holidays as you create a special gift for someone your love.
- 🎁 Set the intention for the gift
- 🎅🏻 Select 12 crystals
- 🎄Clear & activate the them
- 🎅🏽 Choose the order
- 🎁 Wrap and package the gift
These gemstones can support us in several ways. We will place this print out of recommendations in the gift box.
COST: $55

What is the meaning of the 12 Days of 🎄Christmas?
The “12 Days of Christmas” is a festive period that traditionally spans from December 25th (Christmas Day) to January 5th (the eve of Epiphany). It has its roots in Christian tradition, celebrating the time between the birth of Jesus and the arrival of the Magi (the Three Wise Men) to Bethlehem. The famous Christmas Carol is believed to have hidden religious symbolism. The song 12 Days of Christmas includes:
- 1 Partridge in a Pear Tree
- 2 Turtle Doves
- 3 French Hens
- 4 Calling Birds
- 5 Gold Rings
- 6 Geese a Laying
- 7 Swans a Swimming
- 8 Maids a Milking
- 9 Ladies Dancing
- 10 Lords a Leaping
- 11 Pipers Piping
- 12 Drummers Drumming
Each of these aspects symbolized an element of the Christian Faith. We will take this holiday tradition and create a special gift for someone that loves stones. What does the individual need for their spiritual journey and daily life? Let’s create something special.

NOTE: These crystals may change based on availability
Why give CRYSTALS as a 🎁 gift?
Crystals hold unique energetic properties that can assist individuals in various ways. Their ability to amplify, balance, and direct energy makes them wonderful tools for personal growth, spiritual connection, and healing. Here’s how crystals might assist someone:
- Emotional Support: They can assist with balancing emotions, reducing stress, and promoting inner peace.
- Physical Well-Being: Crystals can support physical health by enhancing the body’s natural healing processes.
- Mental Clarity: They can bring in mental sharpness and assist with decision making.
- Spiritual Growth: Crystals can clear energetic blockages, enhance intuition, and provide deeper connections to your spiritual practices.
- Energy Cleansing & Protection: They can deflect negative energies and create an energetic field of protection.
- Manifesting: Crystals can provide focus and clarity to assist with manifestations.
What would you like to give someone this holiday season?
NOTE: Due to the supplies and prep work of the programs. These programs are non-refundable. We only provide refunds within 24 hours of purchase.