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Manifesting Your Dreams into Your Reality: What do you need to know?

Are you able to manifest all your dreams?

Why are we able to manifest some of our dreams, but not all of them? I have been sitting with this question for a few weeks. During my life, I have manifested many of my dreams. Some of these would have seemed impossible to some individuals but I was confident that I could achieve them in my life. As I look at each of my dreams, I can clearly see some differences.

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When I was a small child, one of my biggest dreams was to have a swimming pool in my backyard someday. For those individuals who know me, I love the water and swimming. My mother struggled financially. She really had a tough life with numerous losses. She was never able to overcome her grief and the circumstances of her life. As a child, I knew that having a swimming pool was not going to happen during this time of my life. I placed that dream back in my memories and really disconnected myself from that thought. I did not believe that having a swimming pool was possible during this time of my life. 

Do you believe you can achieve or have it?


When I became an adult, I found myself as a single mother with two children at the age of 18. My priorities were focused on the areas at the bottom of the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. I needed financial security for myself and my children. It was important for me to secure a career that would provide my children with the life that they deserved. I had a seventh-grade education, and I chose to return to school. The road ahead was not easy, but I was determined to be successful and to change the future of my family. I was not focused on manifesting a swimming pool in our lives. I needed to focus my energies on a different direction that was aligned with my current situation. 

Your heart and mind must be aligned to manifest. Your heart center is the power generator for manifesting. Your thoughts must be aligned with your emotions. Example: When you are stating a prosperity affirmation, you must also believe with all your heart that it exists for you. 

Does the dream fit in your life right now?


When I achieved my career goals, I was an executive with a beautiful window office. I met a real estate professional within my employee’s relocation program. I was responsible for providing a top-notch relocation program for our executives who were relocating to our offices. The real estate professional started talking to me about buying my own home in Florida. 

I was a single executive and I had not ever thought about owning my own home. She told me that she could assist me in finding and buying a home. I had manifested a home with my previous husband in Colorado, but I had never considered owning a home by myself. We began looking at houses in the area within my price range. My dream of having a swimming pool in my backyard surfaced again on my radar. This seemed to be the ideal time to complete this childhood dream. 

My HR Director had a pool, and he would always share his stories of spending his weekend in the pool. You could tell that his pool brought him great joy and I was so excited about the possibilities. Everyone had opinions about having a pool:

  • Pools are a lot of work.
  • Pools are wasted space.
  • You will not use the pool as much as you think.

It was crazy how many people really did not want a pool at their homes. After my dad died, my mother, brother, and I visited family in Florida. We had traveled to Florida to go to Walt Disney World on opening day. We stayed with my mother’s great-aunt. She had a swimming pool in her backyard. I spent every day in the pool during our visit. I cannot explain just how much I loved that experience. 

I knew without a doubt that a swimming pool would bring me great joy. I would not feel discouraged regarding the work that it would take to keep it in good condition. I had an opportunity to make this dream come true. I told my friend, the real estate professional, that it should be a house with a large backyard. We had a few conversations about the possibility of installing a swimming pool in the backyard. I placed my offer on the house and it was accepted. 

I was over the moon with excitement. The house was four bedrooms and two baths. It was brand new, and I was going to be the first owner. I loved my new home. I had great neighbors, and we would chat across the fences. One day, I was working in the yard. My yard had become a floral gallery. I would spend hours planting flowers in my yard. My neighbor and I was chatting about all the changes that I made in the yard and around the house. I mentioned the plan was to have pool installed in the backyard. She stopped me and stated that I would not be able to put a swimming pool in the backyard without taking out the large sewer system that was installed in the backyard. As I did further research, I found out that she was right. I would not be able to install my swimming pool in the backyard. I had created this amazing home, but I would not be able to have the final piece of the dream. 

Does the dream fit the timing? 

What I did not know at the time was that I would not be staying in Florida. I loved Florida. If I had achieved installing a pool, I think that I would have fought to stay in Florida. I believe that my soul agreement was to build a spiritual center in Colorado. I would not have completed that agreement.  

Sometimes, we are unable to see the future and the direction that our lives are going. We must trust that we are being divinely guide. Does that mean that I will not have a swimming pool in this lifetime? I am not sure. I have submitted a request to my Divine Council that I am choosing to be born in a tropical place in my next incarnation. If I am meant to manifest a pool in this lifetime, I still have time to achieve that dream.  

Remember these key points:

  • You must believe that you can achieve or receive your dreams. 
  • It must be aligned with your current situation, or you must be ready to make major changes in your life.
  • Your heart and mind must also be aligned.
  • The timing is important.

You can choose. I could have a swimming pool today if it aligned with my path and purpose. I have made the people in my life the priority. I love my husband, my family, my friends, my community, and you! All these individuals are in Colorado and a swimming pool does not really align with this choice.  It is a dream that I am willing to put on hold at this time. 

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Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.

Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.