Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM


  • Sacral Chakra Meditation

    Sacral Chakra Meditation

    You can listen to the meditation here: ************************* Find a comfortable place without distraction. Set your Sacred Space. Light a candle. Take some deep, cleansing breaths. Allow each breath, in and out, to center and ground you. You may pause the video until you are ready to begin. When you are ready push play and… Read more

  • Working with Your Sacral Chakra

    Working with Your Sacral Chakra

    Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means ‘wheel of light’. Traditionally there are seven chakras and these are the energy centers of the etheric body. The chakras appear as wheel-like vortices of pure energy and are sometimes referred to as ‘lotuses’. They spin at great speed and in a deeply spiritual person they become spheres… Read more

  • Crystal Healing

    Crystal Healing

    Crystal healing is a holistic approach that involves the use of crystals and gemstones to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The practice is based on the belief that crystals have certain energies and vibrations that can interact with the energy fields of the human body, also known as the aura or chakras.  Watch the… Read more

  • Essential Oils: Connect to Love

    Essential Oils: Connect to Love

    When we step into the energies of love in our life, it assists us in connecting to our hearts. Most individuals are holding onto pain and wounds of the heart. These wounds could be with family, friends, or partners. The wounds and the disappointments of the heart can be heavy and difficult burdens to carry. … Read more

  • Passionate Living in Self Sourcing

    Passionate Living in Self Sourcing

    A self-sourcing system that is very easy to understand and is a very simple process. Read more

  • Starting New Chapters

    Starting New Chapters

    When we start new chapters in our lives, it can be both exciting and challenging. The focus may be a new job, new relationship, new home, or a personal goal. A transition marks the beginning of something new in our lives. These changes can offer an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth.  Listen to the… Read more