Sacred Temple Mystery School
What is a Mystery School?
For centuries, the mystery schools were hidden in plain sight and they contain the secret mysteries of the ancient teachings. These initiatives build beautiful temples all over the world and they provided services both to the public and behind closed doors. The only individuals that had access to these sacred teachings were “those who have eyes to see” and “those who have ears to hear.”
The initiates were known as the Guardians, the Protectors, Teachers, Healers, the Magicians, the Record Keepers, the Watchers and many other names. The teachings were maintained by oral tradition and they were rooted in shamanic and mystic ways of wisdom. The lineage of these teachings are traced back over 3,000+ years to the time of King Solomon.
The individuals that are called to these teachings have been Sacred Priests and Priestesses in previous lifetimes. Vialet has been a Sacred Priestess during many lifetimes including serving within the Temple of Ancient Wisdom during her lifetime in Lemuria. Her soul’s purpose has been to create heaven on earth.
The Mystery School at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts has been gifted to Vialet by Archangel Metatron and Lord Melchizdek. The initiates of Sacred Priesthood will be initiated in the Sacred Order of Priesthood. All of the initiates become members of the Great White Brotherhood and Sisterhood and they will serve the Cosmic and Spiritual Hierarchy of Light.
This is not a class. It is not a certification. The individual that chooses to step into the mysteries is seeking the deeper wisdom of ancient teachings to transform their lives. It is a journey that will connect you to your inner truth and shift your perspective of life.
Who Should Attend?
These programs are for individuals that have been on their spiritual journey and are ready for spiritual enlightenment. It will provide the esoteric and ancient teachings. The individuals that attend these programs have been called to these teachings.
- Your life will transform physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
- You will spiritually ascended on your path of enlightenment.
- You will connect with your divinity and soul purpose.
- You will bring in daily rituals that will transform all areas of your life.
- You will become part of a brotherhood/sisterhood group for life.
This is not a class. It is not a certification. The individual that chooses to step into the mysteries is seeking the deeper wisdom of ancient teachings to transform their lives. It is a journey that will connect you to your inner truth and shift your perspective of life. These programs required a commitment of time, money, and work to your spiritual evolution. When you are being called, the Hierarchy of Light is calling you home.
The majority of the students will study in the school for up to 4+ years. After they receive the teachings, they will serve in the temple supporting the work and students coming into the classes.
This program forever changed my life. When I stepped onto this path, I had lost hope. I had been on a four year journey of the Dark Knight of the Soul. I had released everything in my life and had not been able to get out of the cycle of destruction. These teachings and rituals accelerated my awakening. I began to understand that I was the creator of my own life and took the driver seat of my own reality. My world shifted towards stepping into my divinity. I am beyond grateful for these teachings.”
– Vialet B Rayne

These programs are offered for each group once a month. They are offered either on Saturday or Sunday. We alternate these days with each group to allow individuals to choose which day works best for them. The program starts at 10 AM and the initiates are required to be at the center no later than 9:30 AM. The program ends by 5 PM.
The classes are packed with information and the initiates received a self-published book each month as a resource. The books have 125 – 250 pages. The overall goal of these teachings is to provide you with practical tools and resources to change your life. These programs are more than an educational class. It will take you on a spiritual journey of discovery of yourself and your life.
I challenge you to be curious …. you may just find your truth!

Beauty * Sacredness * Service
Element: Fire
13 Classes/Once a Month
Pre-requisite: None

Alchemy * Ascension * Transformation
Element: Earth
8 Classes/Once a Month
Pre-requisite: Sacred Priesthood

Introspection * Healing * Light
Element: Water
7 Classes/Once a Month
Pre-requisite: Sacred Priesthood
You will begin with Sacred Priesthood.
DISCLAIMER: As with any educational spiritual ascension program, your experience is going to vary from the other student’s experiences and testimonials. Spiritual growth, self-actualization and transformation are personal and subjective – and results vary from individual to individual. Your transformation on this path is dependent on how much time and commitment you are willing to put into it. You will be given ancient rituals and magical tools to integrate and use in your daily life. These items will assist you in navigating your life and being the magical creator that you were meant to be. This will take you time, effort and dedication to these teachings. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee results. This is not a “Quick Fix” approach to life. These teachings will transform your perspective and life if you choose to do the work.