This is a ritual that I’ve been doing for over a decade. I find that the Major Arcana cards in Tarot allow me to navigate the energies of the year and obtain a big, top-level perspective of my year.
Your year is already in motion. The energies started moving into place months ago. The cards do not determine the energies coming in but they do give you an overview of what is ahead in the new year.
This ritual requires that you pull the major arcana cards from a tarot deck. I lean towards using a more traditional deck for this ritual. However, there is no right or wrong approach. Find a deck that you connect with. Think about the year ahead. Ask your Divine Team to be with you as you pull your card for the year.
There are many different ways to cleanse the energies in your deck. Remember that anyone that has touched the deck or asked a question has left those energies and intentions in the deck.
You can knock three times on the deck with the intention of clearing the energies in the deck.
You can place a crystal on or around the deck to clear the energies. The best crystals for clearing your tarot deck are blue kyanite, selenite, & tourmaline.
You can clear the tarot deck with the smoke of a smudge or incense stick that holds the intention of clearing and/or protection.
You can sit your tarot deck in the sun or moonlight to cleanse. NOTE: The sun can fade the deck if you leave it too long.
It’s time to pull your card for the year:
- Take a deep breath and set your energy for this ritual.
- Ask the universe to provide you with the highest and best card for your year.
- Shuffle the cards.
- Pull your card.
What does the card mean?
If you have an understanding of the major arcana in Tarot, you may be set. Keep in mind that everyone has their own perspective and view when reading cards. You will find an internet search brings in all kinds of perspectives.
I will share my perspective of the cards with you. In my belief system, there is polarity in all things. The card of the year will hold both blessings and opportunities for you to embrace and overcome. Your actions and choices will reflect the energies of the card.
0: FOOL (Physical Growth)
Energies: Adventure, Brand New, New Beginnings, New Starts, Free Spirit, Possibilities, Blind Faith, Opportunity, Innocence, Idealism, Originality, Spontaneity, & Clean Slate
This year will bring forth opportunities for new things in your life. You will be asked to have blind faith in what may be ahead for you. Think about the innocent child that sees the world with wonder. Take time this year to pause and smell the roses.
You may be easily distracted, and it will be difficult to continue to do the same things you have always done. If you are unable to trust the universe, you may find yourself stuck and stagnant. You may be seen as foolish and ungrounded this year.
Action Items
- Make a list and try new things all year.
- Be adventurous and step out of your comfort zone.
- Shift your perspective to the innocent child.
I: MAGICIAN (Physical Growth)
Energies: Mastery, Manifestation, Confidence, Clarity, Concentration, Logic, Willpower, Intellect, Action, Movement Forward, Skill, Potential, Power, & Resourcefulness
You will be action-focused this year. Seek clarity around what you want to master or manifest this year. This is the time to move forward. The magician has all the tools that he needs to be successful, but he must be willing to get clear and make the effort.
Be confident in your abilities. Your insecurities prevent you from reaching your dreams and desires. The Universe is giving you all the tools you need to reach your goals, but you must believe in yourself. Make sure you are nurturing a generous heart this year and do not get caught up in controlling all the things.
Action Items
- Lean into your personal gifts and superpowers this year.
- Set your goals with action items and start checking them off.
- Be clear on what you desire to manifest your dreams.
II: HIGH PRIESTESS (Physical Growth)
Energies: Wisdom, Knowledge, Mystery, Intuition, Inner Connections, Inner Voice, Purity, Integrity, Spirituality, Divine Feminine, Subconscious, Sacred Knowledge, & Higher Powers
It is important that you are following your intuition and inner voice this year. You hold the wisdom within to create your experience. This is the year to trust your gut feelings and be divinely guided. The High Priestess has the wisdom of the Universe, and she knows who she is. You need to lean into who you are.
You may be confused due to a lack of trust in yourself. It is important that you are grounded and still, so you can clearly connect within yourself. Make sure your motives are pure and divine for the decisions you are making.
Action Items
- Spend time in stillness and meditation.
- Do not ignore the red flags that appear in your life.
- Trust your gut and follow your intuition.
III: EMPRESS (Physical Growth)
Energies: Nurturing, Pregnancy, Family, Motherhood, Harmony, Fertility, Abundance, Accomplishments, Growth, Evolution, Art, & Beauty
The Empress is mother energy. This year will require that you nurture and love yourself. When you fill your tank and release old energies, you will be successful with bringing abundance into your life. This is a year of personal growth and opportunity.
You need to set healthy boundaries this year. It will be easy for you to take on too many things and get overwhelmed. A lack of self-care can lead to a feeling of insecurity and anxiety. Don’t forget that you need to feel nurtured and loved too.
Action Items
- Be dedicated to self-care. Create a list of things to do for you.
- Allow yourself to be creative and to work on some fun projects.
- Take time to see the beauty all around you.
IV: EMPEROR (Physical Growth)
Energies: Authority, Masculine, Leader, Fatherhood, Father Figure, Order, Stability, Power Authority, Structure, & Solid Foundation
The Emperor is father energy. This card brings stability and structure into your life. There’s an opportunity to set a strong foundation for things that have not been solid. You will be driven to create order and take control of things this year. Take leadership in your life and make decisions that are best for you.
You may be too controlling and bossy this year. Allow yourself to see all perspectives. You may have a tendency to be stubborn in your decision-making.
Action Items
- Make time to organize your spaces.
- Take the lead in all areas of your life.
- Create a plan for what you want to accomplish this year.
V: HIEROPHANT (Physical Growth)
Energies: Teacher, Teaching, Education, Conformity, Beliefs, Social approval, Institutions, Mercy, Religion, & Tradition
You will be drawn to learning more this year. Seek education in areas of your life where you are passionate. A coach/mentor would be a great addition for those seeking personal and spiritual growth. You may be drawn to making a big commitment to a class or program.
This may be the year when you rebel against traditional approaches to life. You may choose to take an unconventional approach to things this year. Make sure that you are checking in with your personal values and beliefs. It is important that you are not following others blindly.
Action Items
- Find your inner truth and be authentic.
- Seek a coach/mentor or commit to a class.
- Create sacred rituals or altars for your life.
VI: LOVERS (Physical Growth)
Energies: Love, Partnership, Soul Mates, Harmony, Passion, Deep Love, Relationships, Duality, Union, Connection, Kindred Spirits, Desire, Shared Values, & Choices
You will need to focus on love this year. This could be the love you have for yourself and/or the love you have for others. Love is the key for all of us. It will be important to create harmony in all aspects of your life. This year may bring in more love for life and others.
This could be a year where you or the people that you love struggle with harmony. You may find there is an abundance of fear around relationships and commitment. There may be romantic chaos in your life. You will need to reassure those that you love that you are committed.
Action Items
- Provide clear communications in your relationships.
- Commit to bringing more romance into your love life.
- Take time to love yourself and others.
VII: CHARIOT (Physical Growth)
Energies: Take Action, Ambition, Motion, Direction, Confidence, Courage, Determination, Victory, Focus, Goal Oriented, Success & Willpower
This will be an action year. You will be more focused and driven to move forward in the areas of your life where you have been stuck or stagnant. Be courageous and make decisions. This can be a successful year for taking control of the reins of your life. You will obtain clear direction on what you want to achieve for the year.
You may lack the direction to move forward. This may be from old beliefs that are holding you back and making you feel powerlessness. If you are stuck or stagnant, you will need to clear old patterns and belief systems that are not serving your highest good.
Action Items
- Remain focused to reach the finish line of projects & tasks.
- Assume the lead position of taking control of your life.
- Be goal-oriented with clear intentions.
VIII: STRENGTH (Soul Growth)
Energies: Patience, Confidence, Compassion, Inner Strength, Persuasion, Influence, Passion, Courage, & Control
You will have the inner strength needed to move through all things this year. The Universe is asking you to have patience with individuals and situations. Things are shifting and changing for the better. You will be influential in the lives of others. Be courageous and confident in who you are this year.
Make sure that you are checking in with your emotions. Your emotions may lead you astray this year. This is the time to make sure you are aligned with your passions and purpose. You may have outbursts of anger and frustration. Your doubts and insecurities may be given power.
Action Items
- Tap into your inner strength.
- Find exercises that will allow you to master your emotions this year.
- Step into your personal power and take control of your life.
IX: HERMIT (Soul Growth)
Energies: Contemplation, Introspection, Pause, Consciousness, Inner Guidance, Independence, Meditation, Solitude, Spiritual Enlightenment, Truth-Seeking, & Soul-Searching
This will be a year for introspection and soul searching. You will be drawn to being in meditation and stillness in order to find your true self. The Universe will give you opportunities to pause and reflect. Your spiritual growth will come from leaning into the Hermit energy of the year and allowing yourself to be renewed.
You may feel isolated and lonely. The Universe is requiring you to take time for yourself. This may bring in feelings of rejection and abandonment. The relationships in your life may feel distant. You may experience paralyzing feelings or fear of being alone.
Action Items
- Take time to sit in stillness.
- Pick up a journal and write down your thoughts.
- Slow down and recharge your tank.
Energies: Chance, Destiny, Fortune, Change, Growth, Advancement, Decisive Moments, Cycles of Life, Turning Point, Luck, & Karma
You will be experiencing changes and shifts this year. These may be changes you have been asking for, but were not able to take action to move forward. The Universe is going to move you through the change. It may be a pivotal year for your life. You may move in a totally new direction. You will be required to make big decisions this year. Don’t overthink it.
You may experience resistance to change. It could be a period where you dig your heels into the sand. The resistance may be emotionally, mentally, and physically painful. You may experience some turns of bad luck this year. Remember, you are the master creator. Make sure you are in alignment emotionally and mentally toward the direction you want to go.
Action Items
- Keep in mind that everything is in divine order. Use a gratitude ritual.
- Find the root cause for any resistance you may have to change.
- Step into the energy of excitement for the new things in your life.
XI: JUSTICE (Soul Growth)
Energies: Fairness, Equality, Truth, Legal, Law, Karma, Consequences, Life Lessons, Balance, Clarity, Cause, & Effect
This year is encouraging you to find balance in all things. It will require that you take the approach that is highest and best for everyone. When you make decisions, ask yourself, “What is the best approach for everyone?” Remember that everyone is connected,and all of our actions impact everyone. When you approach life from this perspective, you receive blessings for the choices you make.
You may get stuck in a cycle that feels like life is unfair. Sometimes our lives need to be focused on others and not totally on ourselves. This year will require that you take a broader view of the world and how you impact others. You may experience imbalanced relationships and it will be important to consider that you may not know what is happening in their lives. It is important to hold space and provide grace to others.
Action Items
- Make conscious decisions that are the best for everyone.
- Spend some time journaling and reflecting on the consequences from decisions.
- Allow the individuals in your life to be authentic and true to themselves.
XII: HANGED MAN (Soul Growth)
Energies: Crossroads, Decisions, Limiting Beliefs, Pause, Have Faith, Believe in the Possibilities, Feeling Trapped, Release, Surrender, Sacrifice, & Uncertainty
Make sure that you are in the flow of the energies all around. Surrender to new possibilities for your life. This year will require that you make some major decisions. You will be blessed with a new opportunity or possibility. The decision may feel forced, but it is being presented in divine order.
This may be a difficult year regarding change. If you resist the changes presented, you may be forced to move through it. You will be required to sacrifice a dream or goal to continue moving forward. Sometimes, we are unable to see the potential being presented. We can get stuck in what is familiar to us. The Universe will require you to make some changes in your life.
Action Items
- Consider your own needs before making decisions.
- Take time to pause and allow yourself to experience a new perspective.
- Make sure that you are in the flow of the Universe and not merely swimming upstream.
XIII: DEATH (Soul Growth)
Energies: Spiritual Transformation, New Starts, End of Cycles, New Chapter, Endings, Transition, Upheaval, Ending, & Letting Go
Transformation comes from letting go of the old. This year you will be required to release and let go of the things holding you back. These energies bring new things into your life. It may require you to let go of the security blanket you are tightly grasping. Most individuals understand what needs to be changed in their lives, but they are afraid of making the decision. The Universe will force you to move forward. New gifts are being brought to you to experience.
You may experience resistance and an overwhelming fear of making changes. Your life will continue repeating old patterns until you are able to move out of the cycle. The energies in your life may feel stagnant and old. You may be experiencing groundhog day repeating over and over.
Action Items
- Commit to experiencing new things this year.
- Allow yourself to lean into the changes happening and be grateful for the things you have in your life.
- Take the time to shed the old energies, so new energies may come into your daily life.
Energies: Life Balance, Patience, Moderation, Diplomacy, Harmony, Focus, Purpose, & Meaning
This year will force you to seek more balance and harmony. It will push the meaning of life and your divine purpose to the forefront. You may be required to make necessary changes to bring more balance and harmony into your life. Your life will teach you patience and grace for yourself and others.
You may experience poor judgment in your decision-making. Decisions need to be made for the best outcome for yourself and others. Do not make decisions to please others. Allow yourself to surrender to the flow of life. This will provide you with lessons learned from the journey.
Action Items
- Set strong boundaries for yourself.
- Write a mission statement for your life. Focus on your purpose.
- Resist overcommitting to things that do not bring you joy.
XV: DEVIL (Spiritual Growth)
Energies: Addiction, Fears, Compulsive, Obsession, Abuse, Hopeless, Ignorance, Shadow Self, Materialism, Attachment, Temptation, Secrecy, Restriction, Destructive Behavior, & Bondage
This year you will be facing areas of your life that feel stuck or stagnant. You may have been avoiding making big decisions in your life due to the fear of making a change. The Universe will force you to see your life in full view, so that you can be motivated to make the changes needed. Change can be hard, but it will bring blessings for happiness in the long run. You have been asking for change and to have something different in your life. Trust in yourself and decisions.
You will become more aware of your fears and behaviors. These may be things you have been ignoring for a long time but they need your attention. It is time you step into your power as a divine being, so you can create the life you truly deserve. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck in these energies. Be a warrior and face the elements of yourself that you want to change or shift.
Action Items
- Ask your Divine Team to show you the fears blocking you from moving forward. Take time to understand your fears so you can move through them.
- Make a list of things you want to change in your life and take action to move forwards
- Be honest and kind with yourself. You deserve love and compassion.
XVI: TOWER (Spiritual Growth)
Energies: Loss, Sudden Change, Chaos, Disruption, Upheaval, Blessing in Disguise, Destruction, Tragedy, Trauma, & Revelations
You will be experiencing a big change in your life. These changes tend to be forced and are often sudden. It may not be a change that you expected, but the change may be an answer to a prayer. Remember, the sun will always shine after the storm. There are many blessings on the other side of this change. Take one step at a time to move through the change. The goal is to move through the changes as quickly as you can.
It will be easy to get stuck in the energies of loss. Focus on the glass being half full. It can be hard to see the positives when you are in the storm. Take time to nurture and love yourself as you move through the changes happening in your life. Don’t keep the story alive. Take the time to feel and move through the energies, but make sure you give the story a positive ending.
Action Items
- The best things come from experiencing change. Allow yourself to grieve the loss for a short period of time.
- Celebrate all the small wins and blessings.
- Find ways to love yourself.
XVII: STAR (Spiritual Growth)
Energies: Faith, Inspiration, Contentment, Connection, Hope, Fortune, Renewal, Purpose, Serenity, Rejuvenation, & Spirituality
This will be the year to renew your faith. You will be focused on your purpose and will seek comfort in your spirituality. It may inspire you to make a deeper commitment to your journey. You may find serenity in your beliefs and connection to the Divine.
You may experience a lack of faith. It will bring in feelings of despair and hopelessness. If you have lost your connection to the Divine, this may be a difficult year for you. The Divine will be showing up to reconnect with you.
Action Items
- Commit to do your healing work this year. Find a practitioner to work with and focus on you.
- Make a connection to spirit and ask for guidance.
- Take time for reflection. Ask questions about your divine purpose.
XVIII: MOON (Spiritual Growth)
Energies: Dreaming, Subconscious, Deception, Illusion, Imagination, Instability, Insecurity, Unconscious, Vagueness, Distraction, & Auto-Pilot
Make sure that you are focused this year. This card brings in a dream-state that will be distracting. Your imagination may get out of control, so do not jump to any quick decisions. New and exciting opportunities will be presented to you as the Divine lights your path forward. It is the perfect year for creativity and imagination. Find time to play and laugh this year. It will amplify your intuition and magic.
In situations and relationships, the truth may be hidden. You may not be able to see the big picture. Make sure that you are grounded and connected to your divine gifts. You may feel insecure and unstable this year. The energies are allowing you to dream and imagine a better outcome or circumstance. Make sure that you are not living your life on auto-pilot.
Action Items
- Avoid making quick decisions. Make sure that you are tapping into your inner knowing.
- Take time to be creative and play.
- Spend time celebrating the moon cycles this year to be in the flow.
XIX: SUN (Spiritual Growth)
Energies: Optimism, Vitality, Achievement, Celebration, Happiness, Fulfillment, Inner Child, Openness, Fun, Pleasure, Play, Joy, & Success
This will be a year of play, joy, and celebration. Take time to connect with your inner child and to create space for fun. Be open to trying new things and being adventurous. This may be the year to jump from a plane, bungee jump from a cliff, or to travel to a new place.
You may have unrealistic expectations for a situation or relationship. Make sure that you are looking at the entire picture. You may experience a block or resistance in allowing yourself to have fun. It is important to unplug from your obligations and to take time for yourself!
Action Items
- Commit to playdates with your inner child.
- Find opportunities to be creative (pottery, photography, crafting, etc.).
- Take a fun trip with friends or family.
XX: JUDGEMENT (Spiritual Growth)
Energies: Awakening, Take Responsibility, Renewal, Inner Calling, Reckoning, Redemption, Mercy, Forgiveness, Self-Examination, & Absolution
You may experience a spiritual awakening this year. This will be a catalyst toward moving into a new state of being for your life. Take responsibility for your life and the decisions that you make. Life is short. It will be time for renewal of the soul. You will be called back to your divine self.
You will be judgmental of yourself and others. The inner critic in your mind will be difficult to overcome. It may become difficult to make decisions for fear of criticism. You will feel disconnected from Source.
Action Items
- Seek higher guidance and understanding through meditation.
- Examine all aspects of your life. Determine what is serving your highest good.
- Make the changes needed to step into your divinity.
XXI: WORLD (Spiritual Growth)
Energies: Completion, New Beginnings, Fulfillment, Success, Accomplishment, Sense of Belonging, Wholeness, Celebration of Life, & Integration
You are ready to complete a cycle in your life. It is time to bring new things into your life that feed your soul and spirit. The year will bring in a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. Things will begin to come to a natural end. You may be drawn to celebrating successes.
These energies may bring in delays. You may want to take short cuts that could be costly in the long run. Avoid getting stuck in finishing a project or task. You may struggle with getting to the finish line on a big project.
Action Items
- Make a list of things that need to be completed this year and get into motion.
- Celebrate your successes. It may be a milestone birthday or anniversary.
- Take the time to clear all the unfinished projects and tasks that you have been avoiding.

If this information appeals to you, you’ll love our Guidepost event!
Pull your Tarot Cards for the new year. Learn more about this ritual and how it can assist you with navigating all the energies within your year!
Would you like to have a guidepost for 2024? I love using the ritual of pulling my tarot cards to gain a perspective for my year. Some of our community members pulled their cards during Sacred Candles of Intention last year. This program is for anyone that wasn’t able to attend Sacred Candles OR would like to have insight about each of the months of the year along with the alignment of your cards.
Register here:

Vialet B Rayne has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.
Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.