Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM


As a graduate  of the University of Rochester School of Nursing, a Board Certified Holistic Nurse and a Practitioner of Energy Therapies & the Healing Arts, Ardythe has been studying and practicing the art of Energy Medicine for over twenty-five years. Her background includes a unique blend of conventional and integrative healthcare. Ardythe has come full circle from working with cardiac patients in the hospital setting to now working with individual clients in a more personal, individualized, heart-centered approach to the “whole” healing process. Knowing that true healing begins from within, Ardythe facilitates each individual’s unique process. She assists you with a personal ‘tool kit’ to better manage your life, supporting you in bringing your body, mind, and spirit into balance and alignment with the true essence of your being, enabling you to more easily attain your personal goals.

[email protected]

CONTACT: 774-238-1295


Ardythe offers ENERGY THERAPIES for


As a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and Practitioner of Soul Focused Healing, Ardythe provides gentle or near-body touch to assist in clearing and balancing your energy system.

During the session, in addition to scanning your energetic body, Ardythe uses candles, music, tuning forks, crystals, and angelic message cards to support you in restoring balance and harmony to your body, mind and spirit.

An initial session is usually 1.5- 2 hours. Follow up sessions can be from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Please feel free to contact Ardythe for a free 30 minute complimentary consult via phone or video at 774-238-1295 or email [email protected]. Additional information can be found on ( Sliding scale options are available upon request.)


“I recently received a Healing Touch session with Ardythe Phillip and it was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. I was having terrible anxiety around some health issues I have been dealing with and when the session was finished all of my anxiety had totally left my body and has not returned. She delivered some beautiful healing messages from the Angels and I could feel them in her presence. I would highly recommend Ardythe’s beautiful and spiritual healing sessions.”




“You were there for me in such a special way, providing Healing Touch sessions from rehab to my discharge home. Your ability to hold the space for my emotions and your astounding intuitiveness and courageousness in asking appropriate questions was all immensely appreciated and so healing. The comfort derived from the emotional and spiritual healing minimized my awareness of the pain.”




“I remain surprised by how effective energy therapy really is and I am so grateful to have found Ardythe; working with Ardythe is the most therapeutic, enlightening, engaging, fascinating and fun “work” I’ve ever done! Healer, guide and practitioner, Ardythe truly is the “Horse Whisperer” of Energy.” 



“It is my pure delight to recommend Ardythe Phillips for her work in Soul Source Energy Healing. When she worked with me, in a very long session, I knew she was tuned into something far beyond my normal sense of self-knowing.  She was able to pick up energy, movement, and blocks from my energetic body, convey what she was sensing, bringing in many different awarenesses of things like past life themes, current issues, and where I was heading, all of which felt completely right to me.  I’ve had a lot of energy work in my life, some 40 years of it, in fact, with many talented practitioners.  Ardythe is right up there with the top.  She is sensitive, kind, very respectful, and powerful. I’ve also known that Ardythe has continued to grow in her work with trainings and practice. I can feel the increase in her power just by being around her. What I experienced in my work with her was a substantive shift in energy, many blockages released, an enormous release of negative emotions of shame, fear, and guilt, and a sweet and tender lightness of being that stayed with me for several weeks post session. If you are lucky enough to find yourself on Ardythe Phillips’ table, congratulate yourself for the smart move, and sit back and allow the magic to happen.  She is one of the best.” Beth

READINGS & COACHING DISCLAIMER: These services are intended for adults 18 years of age and older. This website and the practitioners make no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, relevancy, or quality of the information or sessions provided. All readings and messages are for entertainment purposes. We do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any person or entity for any loss or damages (including without limitation, physical, mental, emotional, special, indirect, incidental or consequential) caused with regard to any information and/or suggestion (s) or advice provided to you through a service, or as a result of your use of this service. The readings and coaching sessions are provided for guidance only. What you decide to do with the information given to you, including any actions you take, is your own personal responsibility.

HEALING DISCLAIMER: These sessions are intended to support you on your healing path and spiritual journey. Vialet is not a certified or licensed medical professional or mental health provider. These programs are not intended to address any medical, mental, emotional, and/or legal issues. You should always consult a medical professional, mental health provider or legal professional for any physical, mental, emotional, and legal issues that may need professional attention.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and/or to discontinue this service and website at any time.