Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel or cycle. These are energy centers of the body. They are spinning energy disks located in the energy body. The seven main chakras are located along the spine area. The chakras are associated with a corresponding color. The Root (Base) Chakra is red up to the Crown Chakra that is purple.
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The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with the color red. It brings in the feelings of strength, survival, success, passion, security, focus, and grounding.
The following crystals align with this chakra:
- Garnet: This crystal brings in the energies of purification, balance, and serenity.
- Red Jasper: Brings in strong protection and will dissolve negative energies. This crystal allows you to feel more connected and grounded to the physical.
These crystals can be red or black. They bring in the energies of protection, purification, and grounding. Other choices that work well for the Root Chakra are Fire Agate, Mookaite Jasper, Hematite, and Tourmaline.

The Sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen. This chakra is associated with the color orange. It brings in the energies of creativity, sexuality, sensuality, fertility, and pleasure.
The following crystals align with this chakra:
- Amber: This crystal is calming and energizing. It assists with motivation.
- Carnelian: Restores creativity, vitality, and gets you moving forward. This crystal will give you the courage to go after your dreams.
These crystals can be orange, gold, and golden brown. They bring in the energies of creativity, passion, optimism, and the courage to embrace change in your life. Other choices that work well for the Sacral Chakra are Orange Calcite, Orange Selenite, Sunstone, and Peach Moonstone.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is located in the upper abdomen, around the area of the diaphragm. This chakra is associated with the color yellow. It brings in the energies of self-confidence, personal power, joy, clarity, and motivation.
The following crystals align with this chakra:
- Citrine: This crystal brings in imagination, courage, and motivation to push ahead.
- Tiger’s Eye Gold: Restores confidence, courage, and mental clarity to bring joy and happiness into your life.
These crystals can be gold and golden brown. They bring in the energies of joy, happiness, good luck, and confidence so you can stand in your own power. Other choices that work well for the Solar Plexus Chakra are Pyrite, Calligraphy Jasper, Honey Calcite, and Amber.

The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest, at the level of the heart. This chakra is associated with the color green. It brings in the energies of love, kindness, healing, generosity, and forgiveness.
The following crystals align with this chakra:
- Aventurine: This crystal brings in healing, inner harmony, and balance.
- Amazonite: Restores your ability to stand in your truth and participate in healthy communication. This crystal aligns you with compassion for yourself and others.
These crystals can be pink. They bring in the energies of prosperity, money, healing, and emotional balance. Other choices that work well for the Heart Chakra are Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Prehnite, Peridot, and Malachite.

The Throat Chakra is located at the base of the throat. This chakra is associated with the color blue. It brings in the energies of self-expression, communication, freedom, and speaking your truth.
The following crystals align with this chakra:
- Sodalite: This crystal brings in order, truth, and clearer communication.
- Lapis: Enhances your compassion and respect for yourself and those in your life.
These crystals can be turquoise. They bring in the energies of communication, self-expression, and living your truth. Other choices that work well for the Throat Chakra are Turquoise, Azurite, Angelite, Celestite, and Chalcedony.

The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows. This chakra is associated with the colors dark blue to violet. It enhances your awakening, ascension, psychic gifts, inner vision, and wisdom.
The following crystals align with this chakra:
- Amethyst: This crystal allows you to surrender to your divine purpose and uncover the deeper knowledge of who you are.
- Labradorite: Brings in clarity, inner peace, and higher consciousness.
These crystals can be purple. They bring in the energies of spirituality, intuition, inner knowing, and deep wisdom. Other choices that work well for the Third Eye Chakra are Lepidolite, Iolite, Ametrine, Kyanite, and Lapis Lazuli.

The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head. This chakra is associated with the color clear. It brings in the energies of angelic, spirituality, purity, divinity, and potential.
The following crystals align with this chakra:
- Quartz: This crystal amplifies your connection to your spirituality and the Divine.
- Selenite: Brings the Light of the Divine into your space and life.
These crystals can be purple. They bring in the energies of divine purpose, enlightenment, and connection to the Angelic Kingdom. Other choices that work well for the Crown Chakra are Howlite, Moonstone, Lepidolite, and Amethyst.
If you need more of these energies in your life, pick up crystals for each of these chakras. These can be carried in your pocket, stuffed in your clothing, held in your hands during meditation, or placed throughout your space.
Clear quartz crystals amplify energy. If you are seeking more of these energies, reach for your clear quartz. The crystal kingdom wants to support you and your life. Are you working with crystals? Are you ready to learn more about them?
Crystal enthusiasts and beginners love our Crystal Alchemy classes. In each class, you connect with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils needed to support you on your spiritual journey. These tools assist you in becoming more divinely connected.
ACTION: Register today to attend Crystal Alchemy for Growth at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. When you attend in person in Littleton, Colorado, you get 25% off your crystal purchases on the night of your class. Find out more and register here:
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The book is available on Amazon.
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Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.
Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.
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