Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM

Angelic Level 1

This method of healing was channeled by Archangel Metatron to Kevin Core. In this process, the Angelic Kingdom is your guide to being the channel for the Hand of the Divine. It brings together the human consciousness and the Divine consciousness in a process that is now termed Ascension. If you are reading this, you have heard the call to join us and bring to Earth the Divine Mind. 

Angelic Reiki is not simply a high vibrational healing modality, but an integral tool for expanding awareness and the mastery of your own life. This course is a great tool for anyone that wants to experience life at a higher vibration and to bring in the Divine. It is not just for healers. These attunements will expand your ability to hold more Light within your physical body. 

This program is great for both beginners and experienced healers. These attunements will connect you to the most powerful Angelic energy available to us. This healing modality has not been used since Atlantis and Lemuria. The energies are anchored in the ascension flame of Altantis. This program will accelerate your ascension process. 

Each of the programs is held over three consecutive days! You must complete all three days in order to earn your certificate of completion.The program is taught in a sacred temple honoring the divine beings within the Angelic Kingdom of Light. Angelic Reiki will transform your life. 

Who should take this class?

  • Individuals that love angels.
  • Individuals that want to work with the angels.
  • Individuals that that are seeking self-healing.
  • Healers that want to learn Energy Healing.
  • Health Practitioners wanting another healing tool.
  • Reiki Practitioners that want to learn another type of healing.

Register for this program: Click here


We offer weekend and weekday programs throughout the year. Pick the schedule that works best for you. You can register by clicking on the images below. 


  • Vialet has added valuable teachings to the Angelic Reiki program and you receive a beautiful self-published book (335+ pages). 
  • Vialet has an online resource with the program. It has recorded practice videos, meditations and much more.
  • Vialet has build an Angelic Reiki community at the center and you can connect with other practitioners through the private Facebook page.
  • Vialet allows the students to re-take the program at $44 per program and there is not limit on how many of these programs that you attend. 
  • Vialet teaches and offers ALL the Angelic Reiki programs at the center. 

COST: $333.00

You must pay for this program within fourteen days prior to the class begin in order to ensure that I have your book and supplies for the class. There is a lot of preparation for this program. These programs tend to sell out, you will want to register early to secure a spot. This program is limited to 10 students and two regents. 

You may pay online by clicking on the boxes below OR by calling the center and paying over the phone (720.573.4275). When you register at the center, you will earn loyalty points. 

Out of Town Travelers

If you are traveling into Denver to attend classes at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts, we have information for you! Check out this page: Click here.


Anyone that has completed this class, may repeat the program as the Regent. If you are repeating the class, the cost is $44. You are required to attend all three days. This is an opportunity to refresh your knowledge of the teachings and to participate with the group. The space is limited to 2. It includes receiving the most current edition of the book. Register: Click here



This program will provide you with two powerful energetic clearings and two attunements. At the end of the program, you will receive additional attunements and gifts from over thirty archangels in the Angelic Kingdom Cathedral during your final initiation ceremony for Level 1 & 2. 

This class will support you on your own personal spiritual path. You will receive two attunements for self-healing and distance healing. This course is packed full of information. 

  • Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree levels
  • Activation of the 7 symbols to the Angelic level through the 7 levels of form and Divine form by Archangel Metatron
  • An attunement to the Angelic Kingdom of Light at the 11th dimension through Archangel Metatron
  • Meditation to Meet Your Healing Angel
  • Instruction & practice with channeling Angelic healing energy & messages
  • Instruction & practice with Angelic Healing with Intention using your Third Eye
  • Instruction & practice with Ascended Masters & Galactic Healers Healing
  • Instruction & practice with Multidimensional & Past Life Healing
  • Instruction & practice of Self-Healing & Distance Healing
  • Techniques with clearing individuals, spaces and buildings
  • Techniques to attune healing tools and crystals
  • Angelic Ceremony with 30+ attunements and blessings
  • Practical & Legal guidance for practicing in Colorado
  • Business tools for individuals opening a practice
  • Information on volunteering in Denver

You will also receive additional insights about the Angelic Kingdom along with information on how to proceed professionally as an Angelic Reiki practitioner. 

Each participant receives:

  • Angelic Reiki Level 1 & 2 workbook (335+ pages of teachings)
  • Online Resource (Lectures, Meditations & Practice Videos)
  • Simple Steps Handouts 
  • Master Crystal with Angelic Codes of Healing
  • Metatron Cube Metal Plate 
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Practitioner Certificate
  • 2.5 days of Teachings & Healings
  • Discounted sessions with Vialet (20% off)

The Angelic Kingdom is not restricted by time and space. You are being called to join the Angelic Kingdom. This multidimensional healing modality will clear and release all karmic ties, emotional imbalances and ancestral patterns that are blocking you from your divine purpose. This program is life-changing. Vialet sets a Sacred Temple of Light for these teachings and work.


