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How to Set Clear Intentions

As a magical creator, I have discovered that everyone has magical powers within themselves. It is important to understand that your thoughts, words, and actions create your reality. The goal is to keep yourself in a positive mindset, so that you can manifest more blessings into your life.


What blocks your intentions? 

The energy and emotions that you hold in your heart is the key to manifesting your intentions. Your heart is the largest energy center in the physical body according to the HeartMath Institute. This research proves the power of aligning your thoughts and heart. Your heart is a power generator sending out messages to the Universe on what you desire.

When you are stuck in a cycle of negativity, you attract more of the same energies into your life, like a massive magnet. The first step to breaking any energetic cycle is becoming aware of the recording playing in your subconscious. What are you saying to yourself? What are you feeling in your heart?

Sometimes, you must fake it until you make it!!!

Your Intention = Your Passion (Emotional Connection) + Clarity (Mental Connection)


What are your passions? 

Your passions are the driving force of creativity and manifestation. It is not about what anyone else wants for your life. Take a moment and be honest with yourself: What is important to you? What gets you excited to get up in the morning?

Passion is the emotional connection to your heart. It raises the energies of your intentions to the highest level of creation. The only limitations are the ones you set for yourself.

Throughout my life, I have set some fairly high goals for myself. I have achieved things in my life that should never have happened for me. I believed that I could achieve it and I did. I have lots of stories of setting goals throughout out my life that actually manifested. You can do it too!!!


How clear are you on what you want to manifest?

You need to be clear with your intentions. When you are unsure, unclear, and/or uncertain with your intentions, you can manifest things that you do not want. Remember, it is the emotions and the clarity of the intentions that manifests them into the physical.

When you write down your intentions, you are writing a contract for the intention to the Universe. Have you noticed how powerful things when written and defined? We have written contracts for employment, partnerships, purchases, etc. Contracts, declarations, and affirmations can be very powerful tools when you put your passion into them.

Take the time to put your intentions in writing. You can print out the written intention(s) and post it as a visual. If you place them in a space where they can be seen, you plant the seed of the intention in your subconscious each time you glance their way.

Being clear on your timeline will also make your intentions powerful. Are you hoping to achieve it in days, weeks, months, and/or years? What commitments are you leaving up to the Universe to deliver? It will not just show up on your front doorstep.

However, this does not mean that you must be obsessed with the intention. The best intentions are created through emotions and clarity and then through surrendering to the Universe and allowing for the highest and best outcome.

Keep this formula in mind for your intentions:

Your Intention = Your Passion (Emotional Connection) + Clarity (Mental Connection)

Your intention is the result. Make sure that you provide the details needed to manifest your desires in the way you wish them to be created.


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Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.

Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.