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The Magic of 111

There is a very special date right around the corner.  January 11th, otherwise known as 111.  Curious as to why this date is so magical?  Let’s dip into 111 and the language of numbers.    

111 speaks of the trinity, of angelic connection, and the powers of the Universe.  When you connect in with this energy, it is of a very high frequency or vibration of love.  The love of the Divine pours through this number.  You feel lighter, more supported, and expansive while working with this number.  It is the number of divine connections, of possibilities, of clearing the slate, and dreaming the biggest dreams.  

Numbers have a language all their own.  Have you been noticing repeating numbers popping up for you?  That is your Divine Guidance, your Angels and Guides, reaching out to you.  Letting you know that you are supported from the highest level.  

What can you do when you see repeating numbers?  Say, “Thank you.”  This lets your guidance team know that you received their message.  You may get spirit bumps, a zing of energy, or just feel the love and support around you after you say this.  By acknowledging the message you are helping to clear the path for more messages to come your way.  Trust that your team is always looking for ways to support you.  By asking for support and acknowledging it when you receive it, you are building up your relationship with your Team in Spirit.  

I know it sounds simple, but just think of how many times you received a message, and maybe instead of saying, “Thank you.”  You second guessed it.  During this month, I invite you to say “Thank you,” whenever you see those repeating numbers pop up.  Get curious about what you were thinking of when the numbers appeared. There is extra support or meaning for you there.    

So, what makes 111 a power-packed day for manifesting?

I envision it as Calling in the Big Guys.  

When you are focused on Manifestation during 111, it brings in the highest level of support from your Divine guidance team and helps you expand into your biggest dreams.  When you are working with the energy of 111, you may notice that your dreams get even bigger.  Hard to believe I know.  Your dreams may become larger than ever before.  Crystal clarity may arrive as well.   111 helps you create big change, if that’s what you want.  Remember that you always get to decide the path you most want to take.  This is just a tool for bringing in extra support on your journey.  

Have you noticed the emphasis on BIG for this date?

This is part of why it is so magical to Manifest on 111. You are co-creating with the energy of the Divine through a gateway of Unconditional Love.  Know that anything is possible when you have teammates like that.  

Dream your biggest dream and let the magic and miracles unfold.  

XO- Heather

Interested in learning more?  You can join me for my Magical Manifestation on 1.11: Creating Your Year class on 1/11 at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts.  You’ll be co-creating with clarity and the manifestation magic of 111.  

And as always, I am cheering you on with Love, Light, and lots of Sparkles. 



Heather is a psychic intuitive that helps people get soul aligned and shine their light.  She helps you gain clarity on your soul’s purpose and vision for this life by bringing in guidance and support from your spiritual team and highest self. 

She is a Master Energy Healer, Embodiment Specialist, and Channel that focuses on helping her clients gain clarity on their direction, and step forward in creating the life that they most want.  Check out her page on our website here.

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