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The TYPES OF PEOPLE in our lives

Recently, I shared a Facebook post about the different types of people that show up in our lives. 

I would like to go deeper into the idea of the people that come into our lives and the types of relationships that we experience. I have been moving through my own challenges with relationships in the last six months. My relationships within my community, my relationships with individuals that I considered to be friends, and my desire to attract healthy relationships into my life.  


What is love? What does love require? What is our role in creating healthy relationships?

I want everyone to be more accepting and loving with each other. I want everyone to have amazing relationships with each other. I also realize that I have unrealistic expectations. There is this tree analogy that helps each of us expand our perspective of the people in our lives. How do we have a better understanding?

There are four types of people that come into our lives: 

  • The Leaf People
  • The Branch People
  • The Root People 
  • The Seed People


The Leaf people arrive in our lives for a short season. They are like leaves on the tree. The individuals are guided by the winds of change, and they are part of your life for a short period of time. You cannot depend on them to be there for you. We cannot be disappointed with them. This is just who they are. 


The Branch people arrive in our lives for a few seasons. These individuals are like branches on a tree. When things are good, they will stay with you. They will not stick around through difficult seasons. These individuals will pull away when life is tough. They may be stronger than leaves, but they cannot handle too much weight when it comes to their relationship with you.


The Seed people come into your lives to plant seeds for new things. These individuals inspire us during good and bad times. Their purpose is to motivate and move you forward in your life. They will not be in your life long-term as they continue to move through their relationships, planting seeds as they go.


The Root people are long-term relationships and have deep roots. They are difficult to find. These individuals are in your life to support you and your life. They are low touch, easy to maintain. You can trust and depend on these people. When you are experiencing a storm, they will show up for you without adding to your burdens or taking from your experiences.


Some people have close relationships with individuals from their childhood. They have created the opportunities to nurture these relationships in their lives. 

Relationships require that we give to the people that love without expectations of any return. 

Nurturing relationships is important to maintaining healthy connections with others. Whether it’s with family, friends, romantic partners, or colleagues, here are some ways to nurture relationships:

  • Communications: You must have open and respectful communications to build and maintain healthy relationships. If the individual is NOT able to communicate openly about their thoughts and feelings, the relationship will not last long-term.
  • Boundaries: Individuals must respect each other’s boundaries. You need to understand personal space, privacy, and autonomy. 
  • Forgiveness: No one is perfect. We are not meant to be perfect, so mistakes and miscommunications will happen. Learn to release resentment and practice forgiveness. 
  • Supportive: Everyone in the relationship should be supported and encouraged in both good and bad times. You should be there to celebrate the milestones in each other’s lives, as well be there for support in difficult times.
  • Trust: You must understand an individual’s need for privacy. Relationships should feel reliable, consistent, and honest. Your words must be aligned with your actions. 

What can you do to attract more root people and nurture the relationships in your life? 



Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.

Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.