Vialet is the magical creator of Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. She believes that we are meant to have abundant and joyful lives. Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to empower their lives. Vialet is a transformational healer, business coach, author, speaker and teacher.
She is passionate about empowering other individuals to live better lives. Her students return over and over again to take her classes. Vialet provides a sacred space for learning and supports her students along their spiritual path. She teaches 10+ classes each month at her spiritual center in Littleton, CO.
Vialet has written over 40+ books. Many of the books are used in the classes that teaches. In 2022, she decided to start releasing some of her books for public purchase.
You can find her books at:
You may also purchase them at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts in Centennial, CO.

Tarot Journal Workbook: Learn Tarot and Take the Journey of the Fool
Do you want to learn to read tarot cards? Are you intrigued by the tarot but not sure where to start? The Fool card is the first card of a tarot deck and represents new beginnings, new perspectives, and new outlooks on life. The book includes lessons on the cards, exercises, card spreads, meditation and journal prompts, and dive into tarot symbology.
This book aligns with Vialet’s online tarot class. Check out the course here.
The journal is 378 Pages.
Everyone has spiritual gifts. Sometimes they are identified as foresight, gut instinct, and/or a deep knowing of people, places, and things in our lives. Are you recognizing the messages and synchronicities that are happening all around you? These gifts provide guidance, clarity, and direction for your life.
Your spiritual gifts include the natural senses of clear seeing, hearing, feeling, and knowing:
- Clear seeing (clairvoyance): This sense provide visions of photos and video clips that play within your mind and/or third eye.
- Clearing hearing (clairaudience): This sense provide the words, sounds, and music heard in whispers, or in your own voice, within your mind.

- Clear feeling (clairisentience): This sense is the individual’s ability to sense the emotions, feelings, and pain of other individuals.
- Clear knowing (claircognization): This senses provides foresight and deep knowing of information and future events.
When you practice, you can develop and expand these gifts. Most individuals will be stronger in one area. However, you can practice and develop the other senses as well.
This is a series of five different books. You may click on the link to purchase the book online.
The series includes books on:
- Awakening to Your Gifts & Clairs
- Sensitivities to Energies & Protection
- Setting Sacred Space & Releasing Doubt
- Creating Connection with Symbols & Signs
- Importance of Stillness & Your Spirit Guides

Alchemy is defined as the process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary, sometimes in a way that cannot be explained. How can you use crystals, essential oils and herbs to improve your life? This program will provide powerful tools of alchemy. Vialet has been using crystals, essential oils and herbs for over ten years. She will be sharing her magical wisdom of integrating these elements into your daily life.
Vialet has written twelve (12) books in this series. Click on the link to purchase the book online. These books are focused on:
- Crystal Alchemy: Bring in New Things
- Crystal Alchemy: Connect to Love
- Crystal Alchemy: Create Peace & Harmony
- Crystal Alchemy: Bring in Confidence
- Crystal Alchemy: Let’s Get Motivated
- Crystal Alchemy: Time for Growth
- Crystal Alchemy: Release the Stress & Live
- Crystal Alchemy: Harvest Prosperity Flow
- Crystal Alchemy: Make Time for Healing
- Crystal Alchemy: Establish Protection
- Crystal Alchemy: Being Grounded
- Crystal Alchemy: Take Time for Clearing
Cost: $22.99
The books have 100+ pages.
These books align with an online class that is being offered. You can take them at your own pace and on your own schedule. The cost for the online program is $44. Find out more at: Click here

You can pick up your copy of these books at Vialet’s Retail Store on Saturdays from 12 pm – 5 pm.