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What Are the Akashic Records? The Super-Mainframe of Information

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are the most powerful spiritual tool that I use in my life, in my classes, in my services, and in my business. The Akashic Records or the “Book of Life” is the super-mainframe storage system where all information is stored on every soul.

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It can reach back to the infinite past and forward to the limitless possibilities of the future. It exists on the non-physical plane and can be accessed through altered states of consciousness, deep meditation, or by highly intuitive individuals.

The Records contain information on each thought, word spoken, and action that every individual has experienced since the dawn of Creation. It is a powerful system that is an interactive and influential part of our lives. Your Akashic Records hold deep wisdom on your relationships, belief systems, programming, and potential possibilities in the future.

The Records will provide you understanding on how the experiences of your past, both in this lifetime and past lives, are directly influencing your current life. The wisdom gained from the Records brings in clarity, healing, and empowerment. This allows individuals to shift their circumstances and perspective when attempting to move forward. The Records are unlimited. It is important that you do not limit the possibilities within the Records.


I started connecting to the Records in 2009. I was called to the information and found that I had a deep desire to learn as much as I could about the Records. When I first started working with the Records, the Akashic field expanded my psychic gifts and meditation experiences. My perspective on the world, my life, and my journey started shifting and becoming clearer.


The Akashic Records dissolved all my fears about death and life beyond this timeline. I started getting visions and glimpses of myself in other lifetimes, timelines, and realities. I was able to see how those experiences continue to shape my current experience. Each of those experiences were connected to the choices and actions that I took in this lifetime. Example: Have you ever been faced with a major decision, and you could almost see the outcome of the choices you were facing? Did the circumstance or experience feel familiar, but you knew that you had never faced that choice in this lifetime?

As a soul, you have the opportunity to experience your choices repeatedly through multiple lifetimes until you can shift or move through the experience. This will allow you to change the outcome of the choices you have made in previous lifetimes or experiences. Our life experiences provide an opportunity for each of us to make choices about how we will:

  • approach a challenge.
  • react to a difficult circumstance.
  • face opportunities.
  • overcome our fears.
  • love ourselves and others.
  • live our lives.

When you can understand the choices that have been made in the past, you are able to make better choices for your future. The wisdom from the past can provide you with insights, guidance, and direction for your life today.

You can learn more in the Akashic RecordReader Certification Level 1 class OR by scheduling a Akashic Record reading with Vialet.


The Records provide powerful healing. You can clear energetic blocks, beliefs, cycles, declarations, agreements, and so much more. The Records will amplify any healing modality and provide clarity.

I have released: 

  • Stuck & blocked energies.
  • Old beliefs, programming, & patterns 
  • Declarations, agreements, & karmic cycles

The Akashic Records will provide you with emotional, mental, and physical healing on all levels. The information from past lives is also stored in your Soul Star Chakra. This chakra has a connection to your Akashic Records. When you experience healing in the Records, the energies of the past, present, and future are cleared throughout all dimensions of time and space. The Records clear all the karmic residue, emotional attachments, and cords that were created through the experience. The cycle is cleared, and the individual has released the emotional triggers and found a new perspective of the experience.

You can learn more in the Akashic RecordHealer Certification Level 2 class. The students learn how to do powerful clearings and healings in Level 2.


After you have experienced or worked in the Records for months and/or years, you will learn how to integrate the Records into your everyday life. I love using the Records for: 

  • Designing classes
  • Writing books
  • Business strategy
  • Channeling universal wisdom

I have been working in the Records for years. Today, I move in and out of the Records throughout the day. I can easily tap into the information as I need it for my personal life, work life, and for general guidance.

You can learn more in the Akashic RecordMaster Certification Level 3 class. These students learn about their soul blueprints, divine purpose, and superpowers. The class teaches students how to dissolve and write new agreements for their current lifetime.

If you are connecting with your intuition and getting regular messages from your guides and spirit, take your gifts to the next level. You will have access to the wisdom of the universe and this is a game changer for your life!

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Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.

Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.