Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM


Claircognizance is defined as the ability of just knowing information you couldn’t possibly know normally.   

Is everyone intuitive? Yes, everyone has intuitive abilities. Many individuals disregard or ignore these psychic senses. They may use different ways to describe these abilities. EXAMPLE: My gut tells me that something is wrong. I have an uneasy feeling about taking the job. 

These gifts are an important aspect of the way that each of us interact with the world. These senses provide us guidance in making decisions and being on track with what aligns with our purpose. 

What is Clear-Knowing (Claircognizance)?

Do you just know things? As a child, I would know things that were going to happen. The information would come into my knowing and I would just know it beyond any doubt. My mother had been trying to sell our home. We had several people tour the house, but no one submitted an offer on the house. We always had to leave the house during the viewing. She had become very concerned and was extremely worried about the possibility of selling it. One day, she loaded all of us in the car and I knew that this viewing was going to bring an offer. I had been praying for a buyer and I just knew that the family was going to submit an offer and they did. 

Today, we are focusing on Claircognizance.

This is when messages are downloaded instantly, and you have a deep knowing of the details of things. 

An example: In the Fall 2019, my guides had been revealing to me that significant changes were going to happen. They told me that the world was going to face some big fears and there were going to be major changes. I was told to gather my family for the holidays. There was a knowing that we would not be able to gather again. I did not fully understand the messages, but I took them seriously. I gathered my family for our normal traditions over the holiday. The messages did not create fear, since I was really unclear on what they were trying to tell me. 

Are you claircognizant?

  • You experience “ah-ha” moments often.
  • You just know things that you can’t explain.
  • You get lots of creative ideas.
  • You enjoy logical thinking and analyzing.
  • You love reading and writing.
  • You know when to trust someone.
  • You receive words of wisdom for yourself and others.
  • You receive persistent thoughts or messages. 

These individuals receive information instantly. It may come in the form of dreams or during meditation. Trust the information. 

How can you develop Claircognizance? 

  • Practice automatic writing. Ask a question. Take a pen, pencil, or the computer and begin to write everything down without thinking about it. It takes practice to surrender to the flow. Don’t focus about the information. You may find that the first few times you try it that you have pages of gibberish. Keep practicing. 
  • Ask a question before going to sleep. Release the question to the universe and allow the answers to come. You may find the answers come in the morning shower, the drive to work, during a conversation with a friend, or through the music you listen to. It cannot be forced. 
  • Be consciously aware of your thoughts and feelings. The information can come in anytime and anywhere. 
  • You can use a pendulum to ask questions. These will be yes and no questions, but you may find additional information comes through with practice. 

Find fun ways to practice daily. 


Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.

Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.