PSYCHIC SENSES: What is Clairsentience?
It is defined as the ability to perceive emotional or psychic energy that is imperceptible to the five standard senses.
Is everyone intuitive? Yes, everyone has intuitive abilities. Many individuals disregard or ignore these psychic senses. They may use different ways to describe these abilities. EXAMPLE: My gut tells me that something is wrong. I have an uneasy feeling about taking the job.
These gifts are an important aspect of the way that each of us interact with the world. These senses provide us guidance when making decisions and with being on track with what aligns with our purpose.
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What is Clear-Feeling (Clairsentience)?
Do you have all the feels? Do you feel other people’s emotions? This seems to be the most common. As individuals seek to connect to their intuition, they become more sensitive to the energies around them. This can be overwhelming at first. These individuals need to develop tools of protection for their personal energy fields. As they step into their spirituality, they become a Highly Sensitive individual. (Check out the Highly Sensitive article)
Today, we are focusing on Clairsentience.
These are messages that come through feeling. Some individuals identify these emotions as a gut instinct. This is the ability to tune into the energetic vibrations of people, objects, and places and to intuitively interpret the energies.
An example: The phone rings and you get the feeling that your mother is calling you. When you answer, it is your mother.
Are you clairsentient?
- You experience goosebumps or chills.
- You get gut feelings or hunches.
- You feel the emotions of others.
- You feel the energies of the room.
- You notice subtle changes of temperature.
- You feel the energy information on objects.
- You experience frequent physical sensations (aches, pains, etc.).
These individuals make great healers, since they can feel the emotions, and sometimes the pain, of another individual. It is important to understand how to clear these energies, so you do not take on someone else’s emotions, ailments, and pain.
How can you develop Clairsentience?
- Pick up a journal. Take the time to journal about the different emotions that you experience throughout the day. Were they your emotions or feelings? It is important to learn to discern what belongs to you.
- Hold someone’s keys or jewelry. Close your eyes and tap into the feelings that you receive from holding the item. Confirm the feelings with the owner of the object. What are they feeling emotionally?
- Walk through a space. Do you notice any hot or cold spots in the space? Is the energy different in the various rooms of the space? How is the energy different?
- Ask a friend or family member to place a photo of an individual in an envelope. Hold the envelope with the photo between your hands. What do you feel about this individual? Are they sad or happy?
- Find a great crystal shop with tumbled stones. Take a notebook. Go into the shop and hold the stones. Write down the stone name and what you feel about the stone. After you complete the exercise, do some research and find out the energies of the stone.
Find other fun ways to practice your tapping into your intuition daily.

Psychic Development Series
Everyone is intuitive. Some individuals consider these their Superpowers. Vialet calls them your Navigation System. When you connect and work with your spiritual gifts, they will guide you in your daily activities. You have connected to this system from time to time. It may have been described as your gut instinct or you may have had a strong feeling about something or someone. These are gifts that you came into this physical reality with.
Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.
Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.