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The Elemental Kingdom: Connecting to Unicorns

Unicorns represent the magic of higher dimensions. They bring in the energies of purity, innocence, and uniqueness. These elemental beings hold the feminine energies of the moon and the magic of the universe. 

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The horn of the unicorn is located on the forehead at the place of the third eye. It represents higher consciousness, intuition, and enlightenment. Some believe that the horn holds the angelic energies of granting wishes that align with the individual’s divine purpose.

The white color brings in the energies of purity, innocence, and wonder. Some folklore states that only a virgin can see a unicorn based on their pure and innocent heart.


The unicorn spirit animal teaches valuable lessons around being unique. They encourage you to step into your uniqueness and to allow your inner child to be part of your journey. It is important that you open your heart to see the magic in your life.


It is believed that the unicorns travel between dimensions and that they live in the Angelic Kingdom. The Angelic Kingdom is a place of light and love. The divine beings that hold light are part of the angelic realm and this includes the unicorns. 


Answer these questions:

  1. Do you love the colors pink and purple?
  2. Are you drawn to bold and bright colors?
  3. Are you distracted by shiny objects? 
  4. Do you love food items with sprinkles? 
  5. Is glitter a must-have in your home? 
  6. Are you super-sensitive?
  7. Do you crave being seen for who you are? 
  8. Are you described as unique? 
  9. Are you drawn to rainbows? 
  10. Do rainbows bring a smile to your face? 
  11. Do you love hosting parties? 
  12. Do you love planning celebrations for friends and family? 
  13. Is your goal to make everyone feel special? 
  14. Do you love cake and sparkles? 
  15. Do you carry an innocence about how you view the world? 
  16. Do you believe that everyone is good? 
  17. Are you able to see the magic in everything?

How many of these questions did you answer “yes”? ____________

If you answered most or all of the questions with yes, you may hold the essence of the unicorn in your soul. 


Anyone can connect to the unicorns through meditation and during a dream state. You must have pure intentions and an open heart to connect. They hold magical and angelic energies.

  1. Set a sacred space.
  2. Light a candle.
  3. Sit in stillness or go into meditation.
  4. Ask to connect to the unicorns. 
  5. Open your heart and have pure intentions. 
  6. Bring in the magic of the unicorn. 
  7. Surrender and connect. 
  8. Hold a space of gratitude.

If you are a unicorn, or just love unicorn energy, you won’t want to miss our June moon ceremony! Find out more here.



Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.

Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.

2 responses to “The Elemental Kingdom: Connecting to Unicorns”

  1. Buat Akun Binance Avatar

    Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.

    1. vialet09 Avatar

      You may send questions to [email protected]. We will respond as we can.