Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM


  • Crystal Alchemist

    Crystal Alchemist

    In honor of a new group starting Sacred Alchemy, I wanted to share how you can use crystals to support you during times of change and transformation. The tools of alchemy provide transformation to shift your consciousness and put you on the path of spiritual ascension.  Stage #1: CALCINATION  This stage of alchemy brings in… Read more

  • Work with the Throat Chakra

    Work with the Throat Chakra

    Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means ‘wheel of light’. Traditionally there are seven chakras and these are the energy centers of the etheric body. The chakras appear as wheel-like vortices of pure energy and are sometimes referred to as ‘lotuses’. They spin at great speed and, in a deeply spiritual person, they become spheres… Read more

  • Throat Chakra Meditation

    Throat Chakra Meditation

    Find a comfortable place without distraction. Set your Sacred Space. Light a candle. Take some deep, cleansing breaths. Allow each breath, in and out, to center and ground you. You may pause the video until you are ready to begin. When you are ready push play and begin the meditation. (Pause) **********************************  Continue to take… Read more

  • Move the Energy

    Move the Energy

    Do you feel stuck or stagnant?  Ever been stuck and didn’t realize it right away?  Take a moment and think about your life.  You can be stuck emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually. Everything is energy and everything has frequency. Sometimes we struggle with moving forward or shifting the energies from their current state.  Situations that… Read more

  • Essential Oils: Motivation

    Essential Oils: Motivation

    Sometimes, we can get stuck in our lives – moving through the same cycles over and over again. You may just need a jumpstart right now. These practical tools support those ready to feel accomplished and on track toward their goals. Are you ready to move forward? ******************** In this article, we connect with three… Read more

  • History of the Mystery School

    History of the Mystery School

    The term “mystery school” refers to ancient educational institutions that were shrouded in secrecy and focused on spiritual and philosophical teachings. These schools originated in various ancient civilizations, including Egypt, Greece, Persia, and India, among others. The teachings of mystery schools were often passed down orally and were accessible only to a select few initiates… Read more