Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM


  • Psychic Gifts Unlocked! Accidents and Ailments Turned into Gifts and Blessings

    Psychic Gifts Unlocked! Accidents and Ailments Turned into Gifts and Blessings

    When tragedy strikes, it brings challenges for everyone involved, yet amidst the darkness, there’s often a glimmer of light to be found. Sometimes, this light reveals itself in unexpected ways. Countless individuals worldwide have encountered devastating accidents or health issues, only to discover remarkable psychic abilities emerging in their wake. Such was the case for… Read more

  • Working with Heart Chakra

    Working with Heart Chakra

    Watch the video: ********** Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means ‘wheel of light’. Traditionally, there are seven chakras and these are the energy centers of the etheric body. The chakras appear as wheel-like vortices of pure energy and are sometimes referred to as ‘lotuses’. They spin at great speed and in a deeply spiritual… Read more

  • Types of People

    Types of People

    Recently, I shared a Facebook post about the different types of people that show up in our lives.  I would like to go deeper into the idea of the people that come into our lives and the types of relationships that we experience. I have been moving through my own challenges with relationships in the… Read more

  • Essential Oils: Confidence

    Essential Oils: Confidence

    When you have confidence, you show up fully in every aspect of your life. Confidence is defined as feeling certain about the truth of something. Have you ever met someone that was confident, but easily approachable? It is an attitude and belief in yourself.  Are you ready to be confident in who you are? ********************… Read more

  • Setting Altars

    Setting Altars

    Do you love to set altars?  An altar holds a sacred space for your intention, ritual, and/or ceremony. I have discovered that I have been setting altars all my life. I would strategically set the items on my dresser as a teenager to shift the energies of my room. When my room would become energetically… Read more

  • Giving Yourself Permission

    Giving Yourself Permission

    Watch the video: ******************* Does your soul every nudge you to seek or desire something different for your life?  I have found that most individuals get stuck in their life because they are doing what they have been told to do. They are fulfilling the expectations of their partners, their family, their friends, their… Read more