Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM


  • Past Lives & Video Games

    Past Lives & Video Games

    Do you believe in past lives? What are past lives?  Watch video at: PAST LIVES Past lives is the notion that individuals have experienced past lives and reincarnation. This has been a major discussion for centuries. The concept is that an individual’s soul or spirit has experienced lives before their current one. This is… Read more

  • Holding a Space of Grace

    Holding a Space of Grace

    Watch the video: ********************* What does it mean to hold a space of grace? What is grace?  Grace is given freely without expectation. The word grace has so many meanings including beauty, elegance, forgiveness, innocence, charm, mercy, flow, harmony, and divine love. A simple definition of grace is the experience of awe, gratitude, and… Read more

  • Protecting Your Energy

    Protecting Your Energy

    Protecting yourself from the energy around you is an essential part of anyone’s spiritual development. When you are sensitive to the energies all around, you need techniques and tools to protect your energy. How do you know if you are sensitive to energy? Tools for Protection Watch the Video: ********************************************* AWARENESS Become aware of… Read more

  • MEDITATION: Releasing Your Baggage

    MEDITATION: Releasing Your Baggage

    Find a comfortable place without any distractions. Light a candle. Take some deep, cleansing breaths. Focus on each breath in and out, allowing them to center and ground you. You are moving into a new year, a new beginning. It is time to find peace and to let go of any excess or unwelcome baggage… Read more

  • How to Shift Stuck Emotional Energy

    How to Shift Stuck Emotional Energy

    Your emotions and past experiences can get energetically stuck in your physical body. Often, we swallow our words and emotions instead of releasing these energies in a healthy manner. That energy gets stuck in the throat chakra. When that happens, we are unable to speak our truth and to step into our authentic power. This… Read more

  • Clarity, Purpose, & Focus

    Clarity, Purpose, & Focus

    Do you have clarity, purpose, and focus for the year ahead? When you begin a new year, you are given the opportunity to clear the slate and bring in a fresh new perspective. CLARITY Take time this month to think about what matters to you. What brings you the most joy and happiness? When you… Read more