Virginia Lee’s unique approach blends her Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner skills, using the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine to balance the body’s energies, with her abilities as a certified Process Healing Method MAP Coach.
She brings 27 years of experience in integrative healthcare dedicated to serving others on their healing journey. As a pharmacist at the Denver VA Medical Center since 2000, she has supported Veterans with compassion and expertise.
Process Healing Method, a.k.a. MAP
She guides individuals in tapping into the Superconscious Mind to neutralize negative emotions stemming from unpleasant memories or past traumas. The Process Healing Method, a.k.a. MAP, Make Anything Possible, creates a life with more happiness & joy and less emotional pain. Inspired by her own recovery from various health challenges (fibromyalgia, emotional and environmental toxicity, MCAS, dysautonomia, anxiety), she is passionate about helping others achieve better health, healing, and the joy that comes from embracing God’s love and abundance. Energy does not conform to space or time and combining both modalities online or in-person, Virginia Lee and her clients have been amazed at the shifts and outcomes they have achieved.
All sessions are completely confidential and performed in a safe and trusting environment. Let’s discover and balance your energies together!
Eden Energy Free Consultation
30 minutes
Virginia Lee is a certified Clinical Eden Energy Medicine practitioner, a modality based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) philosophy. She is also a MAP Coach (Make Anything Possible, The Process Healing Method) guiding the Superconscious Mind to neutralize unpleasant/traumatic memories to create a life with more joy and less pain. This consultation will touch on what these modalities entail and give you an opportunity to ask questions to decide if either is right for you.
COST: Free

Eden Energy Medicine (EEM)
INITIAL INTAKE SESSION for Eden Energy Medicine (EEM)
2 hours
This is a 2hr intake & balancing session. You will fill out an intake form & we will discuss your intentions, needs, & desires. We will energy test you, introduce the Daily Energy Routine (DER), then get on a massage table fully clothed for a full session energetically asking & giving the body what it’s looking for. You will leave with specific self-care recommendations & follow-up encouragement to keep consistent so we can unwind the habits your body has kept for safety and gain vitality & health.
COST: $150
Make Anything Possible (MAP)
INITIAL INTAKE SESSION for Make Anything Possible (MAP) The Process Healing Method
1.5- 2 hours
This up to a 2hr session educating you and your Superconscious Mind (a.k.a. Higher Self) how to neutralize, dissolve, and resolve unpleasant or traumatic memories from conception up to the present day. Dr. Gary A Flint, a Canadian Clinical Psychologist, discovered this technique helping to heal the worst cases in his league from brain washing to torture victims. This is often done through an online video platform (Zoom). Once the Intro session is complete, having your Superconscious trained opens multiple algorithms to work with and can assist the Energy medicine sessions profusely if you so choose to partake.
COST: $150

Energy Eden & Map Follow-up Sessions
Follow-up Sessions (EEM or MAP, EEM intake or MAP Intro is required first)
1 to 2 hours
Choose this booking for an EEM Session if you have already completed the INITIAL INTAKE EEM SESSION or a MAP Session if you have already completed the MAP INTRO SESSION. We will have foundations and baselines from the initial sessions to go further into the toolboxes these modalities offer. EEM and MAP work beautifully together, as your Superconscious Mind guides us through BOTH toolboxes with more ease and swiftness creating a remarkable session.
COST $150
Energy Eden Quick Energy Balance
Quick Energy Balance
30 minutes
This is a Quick Energy Balance (QEB) that is given in our full sessions to ‘take the static off’ & open the body to receive. The QEB gives the body the opportunity for its energies to flow the way they were intended to flow. It is very relaxing, with a feeling of ‘turning your power back on,’ releasing stagnant energies being held up by stress. Some clients have said it’s better than a massage!
COST: $30.00
Free consultations available.
- Free consultation
- INITIAL INTAKE SESSION for Eden Energy Medicine (EEM)… $150 (2 hours)
- INITIAL INTAKE SESSION for Make Anything Possible (MAP)…$150 (2 hours)
- Follow Sessions (EEM or MAP, EEM intake or MAP Intro is required first)…$150 (1.5 to 2 hours)
- Quick Energy Balance… $30 (30 minutes)
Payments taken: Credit Card, Cash, Zelle, and Venmo.
Book a session: Click here
Text or call 720-955-1402 to schedule a session.
READINGS & COACHING DISCLAIMER: These services are intended for adults 18 years of age and older. This website and the practitioners make no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, relevancy, or quality of the information or sessions provided. All readings and messages are for entertainment purposes. We do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any person or entity for any loss or damages (including without limitation, physical, mental, emotional, special, indirect, incidental or consequential) caused with regard to any information and/or suggestion (s) or advice provided to you through a service, or as a result of your use of this service. The readings and coaching sessions are provided for guidance only. What you decide to do with the information given to you, including any actions you take, is your own personal responsibility.
HEALING DISCLAIMER: These sessions are intended to support you on your healing path and spiritual journey. Vialet is not a certified or licensed medical professional or mental health provider. These programs are not intended to address any medical, mental, emotional, and/or legal issues. You should always consult a medical professional, mental health provider or legal professional for any physical, mental, emotional, and legal issues that may need professional attention.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and/or to discontinue this service and website at any time.