Shamanism 101 Series
Shamanism is the oldest known spiritual discipline in the world. Its origins are found on every continent via rock paintings, ancient carved stones, painted shells, antique personal adornments which gave us a glimpse into the lives and practices of what we call shaman.
This is a 7-class series and each class must be taken in order. You must take all the classes within the series. The facilitator is Corinne Echols. You can register for the first class in the series. If you would like to pay for the full series and save, contact Corinne directly.

Shaman 101
This is the first class in the series.
Shaman 101 is the start of our exploration into Shamanism. Students will receive Shaman Toolbox Book and will make a rattle. There will be a short journey to meet your inner shaman.
- History & Origins
- Shamanic Healing vs Other Healing Methods
- Shamanic Healing Offers
- Becoming a Shaman
- Understanding Your Call to Shamanism
- 3 Aspects of Being a Shaman
Sunday, February 23rd, 2025 10 AM – 3 PM (1 of 7)
Tools of the Shaman
This is the second class in the series.
What are power animals and animals guides? How do shamans and medicine people work with animals? Why is the drum important? What does it signify and how is it used? If you have a drum please bring it with you. There will be some drums to purchase or borrow.

- Power Animals
- Animal Guides
- Music and Drumming
- Altered State of Consciousness & Body Awareness
Sunday, March 23rd, 2025 10 AM – 3 PM (2 of 7)

Plant Shamanism
This is the third class in the series.
Plant shamanism is a little-known facet of Shamanism. In this class, we will learn about plant Allies and how plants can aid the shaman. Discussion on psychoactive plants and if they are needed.
Learn about the power of charged water. We will journey to meet your plant Ally and discuss how plants can help us.
- Hands-on Healing Herbalism as a Shaman
- Plant Allies
- Plant Communication
- Dreaming with Plants
- Florida Water
Sunday, April 27th, 2025 10 AM – 3 PM (3 of 7)
Shamanic Journeys
This is the fourth class in the series.
Shamans use journeys. There is no right or wrong way to journey. However, being able to travel to the unseen worlds can provide a safe place to look at our shadow self and to meet our guide.

What does it mean to journey to the upper, lower and middle realms? How should they be approached?
- Steps for a Shamanic Journey
- Journey vs Vision Quest
- Journey of a Shaman Inside the Spirit World
- How to Focus for Meditation
Sunday, May 25th, 2025 10 AM – 3 PM (4 of 7)

Dreams & Divination in Shamanism
This is the fifth class in the series.
How Shamans use dreams and storytelling as a special aspect of shamanism. Understanding dreams and telling stories helps clients learn and heal.
What are shamanic methods of divination? What is a Medicine Wheel? We will practice water gazing. We will discuss a field trip to a Medicine Wheel.
- Storytelling in Shamanism
- Divination
- The Medicine Wheel
Sunday, June 22nd, 2025 10 AM – 3 PM (5 of 7)
Advanced Shamanism: Soul Retrieval
This is the sixth class in the series.
Everyone has experienced some form of soul loss, divorce, loss of jobs, or other painful exchanges.

In this class, we will review shamanic practices to reintegrate the soul. This is one of the most powerful aspects of shamanism.
- Causes of Soul Loss
- Signs of Soul Loss
- What is a Soul Leader?
- Benefits of Soul Retrieval
- Shamanic Healing
Sunday, July 27th, 2025 10 AM – 3 PM (6 of 7)

Advanced Shamanism: Spirit Attachment
This is the final class in the series.
This is an advanced shamanism class. Understanding how to work with spirits is something that a shaman should be comfortable with.
Shamans often have to be able to work in darkness as well as in the light.
- Identifying a Possible Earth Bound Spirit
- Earth Bound Spirit Guide
- Entities & Shamanism
- Shamanism & Communication with the Spirits
- Object & Energy
- Meditation to Cross Earth Bound Spirits
Sunday, August 24th, 2025 10 AM – 3 PM (7 of 7)
COST: Classes are $80.00 each ($560.00 total).
Register by contacting Corinne directly.
Get one class FREE by paying for the whole series in advance: $480.00.
10 AM – 3 PM
2025 Shamanism 101 Schedule
- SHAMANISM 101: Sunday, February 23rd, 2025
- TOOLS OF THE SHAMAN: March May 23rd, 2025
- PLANT SHAMANISM: Sunday, April 27th, 2025
- SHAMANIC JOURNEYS: Sunday, May 25th, 2025
- DREAMS & DIVINATION: Sunday, June 22nd, 2025
- SOUL RETRIEVAL: Sunday, July 27th, 2025
- SPIRIT ATTACHMENT: Sunday, August 24th, 2025
Corinne aka Whirling Rainbow Star
Medicine Woman – Herbalist – Psychopomp and Teacher
I studied Shamanism and became a Featherway Teacher with Garrett Duncan of Navajo Illuminations and completed herbal immersion classes from the Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine. Along with, being a certified crystal healer, Akashic records reader and Priestess in the Order of Melchizedek.
I learned that I am a psychopomp, a shamanic term for someone who can usher the dead to the unseen realms and who can help ease the journey of those who are crossing over.