The Month of February
February is about Self-Care
The Energy of February
The month of February holds the energies of self-care and self-love. This is the month to take time to nurture and love yourself. It is important that you create commitments to love yourself all year long and not just in February. I have found that I have to schedule these things in my calendar in order for them to happen.
As we move into the energies of Self-Care, the universe is pushing for you to love and care for yourself. When was the last time you put yourself first? Take a moment and ask yourself these questions:
- What can you do to nurture yourself?
- What can you do to love yourself every month?
- What can you do to refuel your energy tank?
- What do you need to do to set healthy boundaries in your life?
Here are some ideas to consider:
- Allow yourself to sleep in or take a nap
- Schedule an appointment for a massage, pedicure, or spa day
- Schedule a playdate with a friend or family member
- Schedule a dinner date with a special person in your life
- Take time to enjoy your favorite herbal tea while you watch the sunset
- Take time to do a creative project with someone
- Set up a movie date with yourself and your fuzzy pajamas
- Set up a social event with friends
- Set up a special bath ritual of love and healing
Your Card for February
I have a ritual of pulling cards for each month of the year. This ritual has been one of my life rituals for over ten years. I have found that the Universe provides me with strength, support, and guidance throughout the year in my cards. I will pull my cards during the Sacred Candles of Intention process at the end of the year. If you were unable to attend this program, you can still pull your cards for the year.
In my ritual, I use the major arcana (0 Fool through XXI The World) of my favorite tarot deck.
- I pull out all the major arcana cards.
- I light a candle and set sacred space for my ritual.
- It is important for me to be in the right space of mind when I do this ritual.
- I get out a piece of paper and write down the months on the paper: January through December.
- I shuffle the cards and select a card for each month.
- I write down the card for each month.
- I set the card for the month on my altar, so I can be focused each month.
Your Card for February
Have you pulled a tarot card for the month yet? Here are some things to thing about during the month of reflection, based on the card you pulled:
0 Fool
Energies: Brand New. New Beginnings. New Starts, Clean Slate.
The Fool is asking you to start committing to yourself. Understand that you need to refuel your tank in order for you to meet the needs of everyone else in your life. You need to find ways to love yourself more every day.
I Magician
Energies: Mastery. Confidence. Intellect. Resourcefulness.
You are the Magician. You have the tools to create a healthy life for yourself and the ones that you love. It is time to use your resources to nurture and love yourself. Take the time to master this gift for your life.
II High Priestess
Energies: Wisdom. Knowledge. Intuition. Higher Powers.
She holds the mystery and wisdom of the universe. The High Priestess suggests that you pause and take the time to really consider the power of loving yourself. Check in with your inner guidance system and ask yourself what you need to have in your life.
III Empress
Energies: Nurturing. Family. Fertility. Abundance. Beauty.
The Empress holds the maternal energies of nurture and care. She wants you to understand the importance of nurturing yourself. Take the time this month to get creative and commit to things that will fill your energy tank on a regular basis.
IV Emperor
Energies: Authority. Leader. Structure. Solid Foundation.
The Emperor holds the energies of stability and security. You need to take responsibility for your own self-care. You are always taking care of yourself, but you are missing the most important element of also caring for yourself. Take time to set healthy boundaries for your life.
V Hierophant
Energies: Teacher. Teaching. Beliefs. Religion. Tradition.
The Hierophant is the counselor. He would like to teach you about the importance of self-care. It is time for you to learn the lessons of loving yourself. Commit to yourself and create a routine that will bring in healthy traditions for your life.
VI Lovers
Energies: Love. Relationships. Union. Choices.
This card holds the energies of relationships. The Lovers reminds you that you are not able to love others until you learn how to love yourself. It is time for you to choose what is best for you and your life. Take the time to love you!
VII Chariot
Energies: Take Action. Motion. Determination. Will Power
The Chariot is about taking action and moving forward. You are being pushed to take action this month when loving yourself. This card is about being determined to move forward and make the right changes in your life.
VIII Strength
Energies: Patience. Compassion. Strength. Courage. Control
It reminds us to be compassionate and to love ourselves more. You can be too hard on yourself and you need to love yourself more. Pull strength from this card and have the courage to love yourself more every day. You will succeed.
IX Hermit
Energies: Introspection. Pause. Inner Guidance. Soul Searching.
This card indicates that you may have been doing too much. Take time to pause and rest. This is the time to be with yourself and to connect to the divine. Find ways to love yourself by taking those much needed breaks in your schedule.
X Wheel of Fortune
Energies: Destiny. Change. Luck. Karma.
The changes occuring in your life right now are meant to provide you with more opportunities to love yourself. The Universe is nudging you to make more time for yourself. You need to fill your tank by spending more time with the people that you love. Your life is being shifted into the right direction.
XI Justice
Energies: Fairness. Truth. Legal. Law. Cause & Effect.
The Justice card reminds you that your commitment to yourself will bring positive energies into your life using Cause & Effect. You need to connect with your inner truth about the importance of caring and loving yourself. It is time to experience the outcome of taking the time you need to recharge.
XII Hanged Man
Energies: Crossroads. Decision. Sacrifice.
This card appears when you have been fighting yourself. Sometimes, you push yourself too hard and you forget the toll of your sacrifices. It is time to make a decision that will improve your life. Surrender to the energies and allow yourself the time that you need for your life.
XIII Death
Energies: Transformation. Transition. Ending. Letting Go.
The Death card typically does not represent a physical death. It is time to release old habits and patterns that sabotage your ability to love yourself. It is time to transition into a life that honors you as a divine being. Take the time to hold sacred space for yourself.
XIV Temperance
Energies: Life Balance. Purpose. Meaning
This card reminds you that you are working and pushing too hard. You need to have healthy boundaries and time for yourself. It is time to really ask the hard questions about your commitments. Create more balance and time in your life by letting go of all things that do not fill your tank with joy.
XV: Devil
Energies: Fears. Compulsive. Materialism. Addiction.
The Devil appears this month to remind you that you are focused on the wrong things in your life. You have been seduced by personal pleasures and the goal of achieving material things. It is time to re-evaluate your life and to find a new direction that honors the divine being you are. Take time to nurture and love yourself.
XVI Tower
Energies: Sudden Change. Disruption. Revelation
The universe is making major changes in your life to shift your focus back to your divine purpose. It is time to for you to nurture and love yourself. The things that you are holding on to may not be filling your soul and purpose. Allow the changes to shift you into a new direction.
Energies: Inspiration. Connected. Hope. Spirituality
You are being inspired to love and care for yourself in new ways. Take the time to connect within and to find the truth. It is time to step into your divinity and to love your life. The Universe is challenging you to become connected to spirit and to allow the energies of Light to fill your life.
Energies: Dreaming. Subconscious. Distraction. Auto-pilot.
The Moon brings in the energies of illusion and deceptions. You have been convincing yourself that everyone needs you and you do not have time to love yourself. This is not your truth. You must learn how to love yourself more. Commit to taking time for you and filling your tank on a regular basis.
Energies: Inner Child. Fun. Play. Joy. Success.
This card brings in the energies of celebration and success. This is the perfect month to fill your heart with play, laughter, and dance. Take the time to create playdates with friends and family members. Allow your inner child to join you on your new adventures of loving yourself.
XX Judgment
Energies: Take Responsibility. Self-Examination. Absolution.
You are awakening to the divine being that you are. You are recognizing the importance of loving and caring for yourself. Take the time to commit to a routine that will grow and expand in your life. This is part of your spiritual evolution.
XXI The World
Energies: Completion. Accomplishment. Integration
The World represents the end of a cycle in our lives. It is time for you to start a new cycle of appreciation for yourself and your life. Take the time to discover your inner truth and unlock the divine wisdom within about your beauty and love.
Are you ready to be your own magical creator? You can allow the universe and other life force energies to direct your life OR you can become the master of your own journey. Our Sacred Candles of Intention workshops assist you with bringing in all your dreams, your intentions and so much more! Our Sacred Candles of Intentions workshops happen in October and November each year – and you walk away with 12 candles – one for each month of the new year. Throughout the year, we also host Intention Candle workshops to focus on manifesting specific energies. Click through to the links to find out more about our candle workshops.
Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.
Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.