Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM


  • What is Inner Child Healing & Why is it important?

    What is Inner Child Healing & Why is it important?

    Have you struggled with attracting and maintaining healthy relationships? Have you experienced childhood trauma? Does your inner child need healing? You can view the video at: Your inner child is a big part of your life. It is that innocent child that lives within your psyche. It is curious, playful, and embodies pure innocence. Your… Read more

  • What CRYSTALS will support Expansion & Growth?

    What CRYSTALS will support Expansion & Growth?

    This month, we will connect with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils that support us with growth. This month, you will be given the tools to support your personal, professional, and spiritual growth. When you invest time, money, and energy in yourself, you can expand your perspective and consciousness. Are you ready to invest in… Read more

  • Guided Meditation for Chakra Healing

    Guided Meditation for Chakra Healing

    We hope you will enjoy this guided meditation for Chakra Healing. Find a comfortable place without distraction. Set your Sacred Space. Light a candle. Take some deep, cleansing breaths. Allow each breath, in and out, to center and ground you. When you are ready, begin the meditation. When you are ready push play and begin… Read more

  • The Elemental Kingdom: Connecting to Unicorns

    The Elemental Kingdom: Connecting to Unicorns

    Unicorns represent the magic of higher dimensions. They bring in the energies of purity, innocence, and uniqueness. These elemental beings hold the feminine energies of the moon and the magic of the universe.  You can view the video at: SYMBOLISM OF THE UNICORN The horn of the unicorn is located on the forehead at the… Read more

  • Are You Tapping into Universal Wisdom? 

    Are You Tapping into Universal Wisdom? 

    Do you tap into your own universal wisdom? Do you trust the guidance provided? This practice has been called different names including trusting your gut instinct, listening to your vibes, tapping into your sixth sense, and/or following universal guidance.  You can view the video at: Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something immediately… Read more

  • Mastering Your Divine Navigation that is your Psychic Senses

    Mastering Your Divine Navigation that is your Psychic Senses

    What is divine navigation? Your divine navigation system is your intuitive psychic sense of direction. Do you recognize the messages? These messages can come to your awareness in many different forms. There will be an element of synchronicity in the messages. The messages may be delivered through any of the six senses including inner vision,… Read more