Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM


  • The Energies of the Month of JANUARY

    The Month of January The Energy of January The month of January holds the energy of new beginnings. It is the time of the year where most people reset their home after the holidays. The stores are filled with items to get organized and we become inspired to create a new start for ourselves and… Read more

  • The Elemental Kingdom: Respect for the Fairies

    The Elemental Kingdom: Respect for the Fairies

    A fairy is a mythical being or legendary creature found in European folklore and cultures. European folklore describes fairies as beautiful and graceful, as well as hideous, spiteful, and temperamental. In modern times, the common ones are described as feminine looking with butterfly wings. These nature spirits are protective of the planet, plants, and animals.… Read more

  • What CRYSTALS are used for Motivation?

    What CRYSTALS are used for Motivation?

    This month, we will be connecting with the crystals, herbs, and essential oils that can support you in feeling motivated. It’s easy to get stuck or blocked. This program provides some powerful tools for motivation. This month, the elements of this program will assist you in getting motivated and moving forward. Are you ready to… Read more

  • Celebrating Beltane: What It Is & What It Means

    Celebrating Beltane: What It Is & What It Means

    Happy Beltane season! The heart of the spring season is upon us which is always a reason to celebrate. Many ancient cultures followed the cycles of nature and the changing of the seasons to mark time and to understand the world around them. The four seasons represent different aspects of daily life and were often,… Read more

  • Guided Meditation for Inner Child Healing – Are you ready?

    Guided Meditation for Inner Child Healing – Are you ready?

    Are you ready for some inner child healing? This meditation will assist you in connecting with your inner child. Find a comfortable place without distraction. Set your Sacred Space. Light a candle. Take some deep, cleansing breaths. Allow each breath, in and out, to center and ground you. When you are ready, begin the meditation.… Read more

  • ESSENTIAL OILS for Your Chakras

    ESSENTIAL OILS for Your Chakras

    It is possible to use essential oils to open each of the chakras. These essential oils support, open, and activate your chakras. You may have circumstances or situations in your life that are causing your chakras to be blocked and not function fully. You can view the video at: It is possible to use essential… Read more