Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM


  • What CRYSTALS will assist you in Reducing Stress

    What CRYSTALS will assist you in Reducing Stress

    It is important to understand that everyone is experiencing some level of stress in their life. Stress can be motivating and it can be overwhelming. Our world has everyone trying to do more in less time. We are pushing ourselves forward instead of moving within the flow of the energies supporting us. Find out how… Read more

  • Celebrating Litha: What It Is & What It Means

    Celebrating Litha: What It Is & What It Means

    Happy Summer Solstice! Let us rejoice as we celebrate and relax in the warm sunshine of Litha. Many ancient cultures followed the cycles of nature and the changing of the seasons to mark time and to understand the world around them. The four seasons represent different aspects of daily life and were often, but not… Read more

  • Balance and Karma: What is Energetic Balance?

    Balance and Karma: What is Energetic Balance?

    Does the Universe balance our blessings with opportunities?  If you have been following Discover Your Spiritual Gifts over the last six years, you may be aware that we have experienced a flood and recently a car impacting the building. I believe that some individuals have been thinking about the impact of the Universe on our… Read more

  • Energy Clearing: How can you Clear Your Energy?

    Energy Clearing: How can you Clear Your Energy?

    How do you clear your energy after a difficult day? Everything is made of energy, including you. And everything is in a constant state of receiving and giving energy. The frequencies of these energies fall on a spectrum between the energies of love and fear. You are attracting experiences and relationships into your life that… Read more

  • What to Do with Stuck Energy in your life?

    What to Do with Stuck Energy in your life?

    Do you feel stuck energetically in your life? What can you do to move stuck energy? Energy is constant. You can have stuck energy that is preventing you from moving forward. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It exists in all things, big and small. Energy is a neutral force. It can be sped up or… Read more

  • What CRYSTALS will support you with Prosperity & Abundance

    What CRYSTALS will support you with Prosperity & Abundance

    Your belief systems around money can block you from receiving it. These crystals will assist you in addressing your fears and misunderstandings regarding financial flow. It is time for you to access the freedom to manifest your dreams. What are your practices for bringing more prosperity into your life? You can view the video at:… Read more