Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM


  • Celebrating Lammas: What It Is & What It Means

    Celebrating Lammas: What It Is & What It Means

    Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, is a traditional Celtic festival that marks the beginning of the harvest season. Many ancient cultures followed the cycles of nature and the changing of the seasons to mark time and to understand the world around them. The four seasons represent different aspects of daily life and were often, but… Read more

  • The Magic of Wind Chimes

    The Magic of Wind Chimes

    We have enjoyed the soothing melodies of wind chimes in gardens, patios, and balconies for centuries. There is a rich history and metaphysical significance to wind chimes beyond their aesthetic appeal. When caressed by the wind, these whimsical instruments produce melodious sounds and are deeply connected to diverse cultures and spiritual beliefs.  History of Wind… Read more

  • Meditation: Prosperity Invocation

    Meditation: Prosperity Invocation

    You can listen to the meditation here: ************************ Find a comfortable place without distraction. Set your Sacred Space. Light a candle. Take some deep, cleansing breaths. Allow each breath, in and out, to center and ground you. You may pause the video until you are ready to begin. When you are ready, push play and… Read more

  • Handling Your Money Blocks

    Handling Your Money Blocks

    What creates money blocks? Many individuals struggle having a positive relationship with money. They have experienced a life of financial lack. It is important to understand that money is energy. You are directly influencing your ability to manifest prosperity into your life. You can view the video at:  MONEY BLOCKS How are money blocks created?… Read more

  • What Are the Akashic Records? The Super-Mainframe of Information

    What Are the Akashic Records? The Super-Mainframe of Information

    What are the Akashic Records? The Akashic Records are the most powerful spiritual tool that I use in my life, in my classes, in my services, and in my business. The Akashic Records or the “Book of Life” is the super-mainframe storage system where all information is stored on every soul. You can view the… Read more

  • What are the CRYSTALS that can support you in healing?

    What are the CRYSTALS that can support you in healing?

    We are being called to step up and do our work. It requires that we continue to heal the layers and wounds of our experiences, our ancestors, our family, our friends, our community, and our world. What crystals will support you in this process? What are doing to bring more healing into your life? You can… Read more