Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM


  • Manifesting Your Dreams into Your Reality: What do you need to know?

    Manifesting Your Dreams into Your Reality: What do you need to know?

    Are you able to manifest all your dreams? Why are we able to manifest some of our dreams, but not all of them? I have been sitting with this question for a few weeks. During my life, I have manifested many of my dreams. Some of these would have seemed impossible to some individuals but… Read more

  • How to Choose a Professional Psychic Reader

    How to Choose a Professional Psychic Reader

    What do you need to know about selecting a professional psychic reader?  You feel like it’s time to get assistance, divine guidance, answers to an important question, or to connect with the other side. Where do you start? How do you know what type of reader you need or whether a reader is the right… Read more

  • Business Corner: What is Next for Your Business?

    Business Corner: What is Next for Your Business?

    NEXT STEPS IN BUSINESS What do you want for your business in the new year? We have reached the end of the year. It is that time of the year to make some decisions before moving into next year. Take some time to answer these questions on your business: Spend some real time thinking about… Read more

  • Business Corner: Building Your Connections

    Business Corner: Building Your Connections

    How do you build connecting with your tribe? As a business owner, you can have the perfect plan and idea for starting a business. You invest hours and money creating the best classes and services for your students and clients. You have individuals interested in your offerings and they show up for classes and services.… Read more

  • Business Corner: Becoming a Professional Psychic Reader

    Business Corner: Becoming a Professional Psychic Reader

    Are you ready to share your gifts as a psychic reader with others? Many gifted psychic readers offer readings to their friends and family. This is the way that most readers begin to learn and practice their psychic gifts. There are also education programs offered online and in-person that will allow individuals to learn and… Read more

  • Business Corner: Marketing Your Spiritual Business in Isolation

    Business Corner: Marketing Your Spiritual Business in Isolation

    Our community has been hit hard this year with CO-VID 19 causing everyone to stop in their tracks. There is a lot of worry, stress, and fear regarding how things will play out. As spiritual business owners, many of you just starting to build your business, this worry is valid. How will your business survive… Read more