Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM


  • Business Corner: Before You Hang Your Shingle

    Business Corner: Before You Hang Your Shingle

    Are you ready to start your own spiritual business?  When you first connect with your spiritual gifts, you are excited and ready to share your gifts with the world. You see other gifted spiritual leaders sharing their gifts and you dream of that success for yourself as well. Before you hang your shingle, you need… Read more

  • Business Corner: Have a Strategic Plan

    Business Corner: Have a Strategic Plan

    Do you have a strategic plan for your business? Do you manage the changes that happen in the market and with consumer needs? The market is constantly changing and consumer needs shift. We have seen the biggest shifts during COVID. The consumer was looking for alternatives for grocery shopping, prescription refills, medical care, etc. Many… Read more

  • Business Corner: Setting a Clear Direction

    Business Corner: Setting a Clear Direction

    Where are you going with your business? Some business owners lose their way because they have not set a clear direction for their business. Many of us have worked for organizations that had posters and signs throughout the office stating the organization’s mission, vision, and value statements. The real disconnect was that the organization did… Read more

  • Business Corner: Building Your Connections

    Business Corner: Building Your Connections

    How do you build connecting with your tribe? As a business owner, you can have the perfect plan and idea for starting a business. You invest hours and money creating the best classes and services for your students and clients. You have individuals interested in your offerings and they show up for classes and services.… Read more

  • Business Corner: Do What You Love & Love What You Do

    Business Corner: Do What You Love & Love What You Do

    Is your heart in your work? Most people spend the majority of their time at work. Wouldn’t it be great to love what you do? There are people that have chosen to do what they love. The most successful business have been built with passion and love. How can you convert what you love into… Read more

  • Business Corner: Balancing Your Creative Juices

    Business Corner: Balancing Your Creative Juices

    When it comes to creativity, do you have an overabundance or are you seeking more? Most of us love to be creative and we bring that creativity into designing, creating and building our business. This allows us to have our creative juices flowing as we do our day-to-day activities. Creativity is a great tool to… Read more