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The Energies of the Month of JULY – Celebration & Family

The month of July holds the energy of Celebration & Family. This month holds space for each of us to remember the traditions that have been part of your family. How does your family gather and celebrate?

Celebrations & Family

Celebrations include engagements, weddings, births, graduations, promotions, anniversaries, etc. These are opportunities to celebrate special moments and accomplishments with family and friends.

Some of the other opportunities for family is holidays, vacations, retreats, reunions and shared outings. Our family has traditional activities that we scheduled each year. We love having opportunities to share experiences as a family together. These provide special memories for all of us. 

Some considerations include:

  • Take some time this month to reflect on the times in your life that you spent time with family. What opportunities allow you to spend time with your family?
  • Think about the family traditions that have been part of your life. What traditions do you want to continue to have with your life and family?
  • The holidays are times of celebration. What have been the best part of your holidays with family?

Your Card for July

Have you pulled a tarot card for the month yet? Here are some things to thing about during the month of reflection, based on the card you pulled:

0 Fool

Energies: Brand New. New Beginnings. New Starts, Clean Slate.

The Fool is encouraging you to find new traditions and opportunities to gather with your family during special celebrations and holidays. It is time to take part in participating or planning a special celebration or gathering with family.  

I Magician

Energies: Mastery. Confidence. Intellect. Resourcefulness.

As the Magician, you have the resources and tools need to plan, create or participate in a special family event and/or gatherings. Some of the members of your family may be waiting on someone to take the lead in gathering the family.

II High Priestess

Energies: Wisdom. Knowledge. Intuition. Higher Powers.

She holds the wisdom of the universe. The High Priestess reminds you of the wisdom that you have received through the relationships that you have had with family. It may have been the wisdom that was shared by grandparent or the commitment that a great aunt may have had for you. Honor these relationships in your life.   

III Empress

Energies: Nurturing. Family. Fertility. Abundance. Beauty.

The Empress holds the energies of abundance and family. She is reminding you of the importance of nurturing your family relationships. This is the perfect time to invest time and energy in deepen your relationships with family members. 

IV Emperor

Energies: Authority. Leader. Structure. Solid Foundation.

He holds the energies of structure and stability. You may choose to bring structure and create a solid foundation for opportunities for your family to gather and/or celebrate. 

V Hierophant

Energies: Teacher. Teaching. Beliefs. Religion. Tradition.

The Hierophant is the counselor and/or teacher. This is the time to reflect on the wisdom that you have received from members of your family and experiences. It is time to integrate that wisdom into your life.

VI Lovers

Energies: Love. Relationships. Union. Choices.

This card holds the energies of relationships and love. Your family holds a special place of love for you. They are an important part of your life. Take the time to find the gift of love that your family provides.

VII Chariot

Energies: Take Action. Motion. Determination. Will Power

The Chariot is encouraging you to take action and move forward with creating more opportunities for you to spend more time with your family. Spend more time building positive relationships.

VIII Strength

Energies: Patience. Compassion. Strength. Courage. Control

This card reminds you to be patient with your family. It is time to have some compassion for the individuals in your family. You may not always understand the behaviors and actions of your family.  

IX Hermit

Energies: Introspection. Pause. Inner Guidance. Soul Searching.

The Hermit recommends that you pause. This is the time to reflect on your family relationships and your contributions to creating loving connections. Check in with your inner guidance on how to improve your family relationships and take action.

X Wheel of Fortune

Energies: Destiny. Change. Luck. Karma.

The universe has positive change for you. You need to change your perspective and approach with creating healthy relationships. When you invest your heart and time, you will receive these energies back in kind.  

XI Justice

Energies: Fairness. Truth. Legal. Law. Cause & Effect.

The Justice card is reminding you about the Law of Cause & Effect. It is about finding your own inner truth about your relationships with family. Invest the time needed to bring in more love in your family relationships.

XII Hanged Man

Energies: Crossroads. Decision. Sacrifice.

It is time to make a decision on your relationships with your family. Spend more time with the family members that love, support and inspire you. It may be time to disengage from relationships that are not healthy.   

XIII Death

Energies: Transformation. Transition. Ending. Letting Go.

The Death card is bringing in change within your family relationships and celebrations. It is time to re-evaluate what is working to enhance your family connections. There may be traditions that are no longer working for the family OR you may be called to create new traditions.    

XIV Temperance

Energies: Life Balance. Purpose. Meaning

The Temperance reminds you of the importance of balance. It is time to balance your family commitments and to share some of the responsibilities with other members of your family. Make sure that you are not overcommitting yourself.   

XV: Devil

Energies: Fears. Compulsive. Materialism. Addiction.

The card reminds you that your fears many be blocking you from having more loving relationships with your family. Your time with family should be creating loving and priceless memories.  

XVI Tower

Energies: Sudden Change. Disruption. Revelation

This card brings in sudden change to your family relationships. Major change is not always easy, but it tends to bring in new perspectives and experiences. These


Energies: Inspiration. Connected. Hope. Spirituality

You are being asked to have trust in the divine plan for you and your family. Take some time to connect with your family. You may need to provide inspiration and hope to one of the members of your family.


Energies: Dreaming. Subconscious. Distraction. Auto-pilot.

The Moon brings in the energies of illusion and deceptions. You may have been too busy to spend time with your family and to attend special celebrations. It is time to make your family part of your dreams and to commit to spending more time with them.  


Energies: Inner Child. Fun. Play. Joy. Success.

This card brings in the energies of celebration and success. This is the time to celebrate success and special occasions with family. Your family can provide you with great joy and it is time to create opportunities for family fun.

XX Judgment

Energies: Take Responsibility. Self-Examination. Absolution.

Take responsibility for your contributions to building loving relationships with your family.  Spend some time in reflection and be honest with yourself.

XXI The World

Energies: Completion. Accomplishment. Integration

This card represents an accomplishment that has been achieved by you or a family member. This is a great time to celebrate these accomplishments and to find your next step forward.

Are you ready to be your own magical creator? You can allow the universe and other life force energies to direct your life OR you can become the master of your own journey. Our Sacred Candles of Intention workshops assist you with bringing in all your dreams, your intentions and so much more! Our Sacred Candles of Intentions workshops happen in October and November each year – and you walk away with 12 candles – one for each month of the new year. Throughout the year, we also host Intention Candle workshops to focus on manifesting specific energies. Click through to the links to find out more about our candle workshops.



Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.

Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.

2 responses to “The Energies of the Month of JULY – Celebration & Family”

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      You may send questions to [email protected]. We will respond as we can.