Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM


  • Business Corner: Measuring Your Value and Worth in your Business

    Business Corner: Measuring Your Value and Worth in your Business

    Business Value and Worth How can you effectively measure your value in business? Everyone has spiritual gifts, and they can develop their gifts through practice and education. Some individuals have read books, research resources online, attended classes & workshops, etc. to develop their gifts. Many of these approaches have required financial investment and time. An… Read more

  • Business Corner: Shift Your Mindset to Business

    Business Corner: Shift Your Mindset to Business

    Where is your mindset when it comes to running your spiritual business this year? The most successful business owners are the ones that are driving their passions and providing a service or product that meets the needs of others. You may be living your dream. You may love going to work every day. It may… Read more

  • Business Corner: Your Product or Service – What makes yours different?

    Business Corner: Your Product or Service – What makes yours different?

    Do you believe that your product or service will sell itself? Your business will require that you are able to sell it. When I graduated from college, I thought that everyone would be knocking on my door to offer me a job. I had spent several years taking classes, submitting assignments, passing tests, etc. I… Read more

  • Business Corner: Before You Hang Your Shingle

    Business Corner: Before You Hang Your Shingle

    Are you ready to start your own spiritual business?  When you first connect with your spiritual gifts, you are excited and ready to share your gifts with the world. You see other gifted spiritual leaders sharing their gifts and you dream of that success for yourself as well. Before you hang your shingle, you need… Read more

  • Business Corner: Have a Strategic Plan for your Business

    Business Corner: Have a Strategic Plan for your Business

    Do you have a strategic plan for your business? Do you manage the changes that happen in the market and with consumer needs? The market is constantly changing and it requires shifts in your business. We have seen the biggest shifts during COVID. The consumer was looking for alternatives for grocery shopping, prescription refills, medical… Read more

  • Business Corner: Setting a Clear Direction for your Business

    Business Corner: Setting a Clear Direction for your Business

    Where are you going with your business? Some business owners lose their way because they have not set a clear direction for their business. Many of us have worked for organizations that had posters and signs throughout the office stating the organization’s mission, vision, and value statements. The real disconnect was that the organization did… Read more