This program will provide tools of transformation to shift your consciousness and provide you with spiritual ascension. This program is for the scholar that is always seeking wisdom and understanding about the universe and life. In the book, A Course in Mastering Alchemy, they state that Archangel Metatron describes alchemy as “changing the frequency of thought, altering the harmonics of matter and applying the element of Love to create a desired result.”
Alchemy has been an ancient practice that was hidden with mystery and secrecy. These high teachings were rooted in the civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis. Before the destruction of these civilizations, the teachings were hidden within the mystery schools on this planet. These powerful teachings are the foundation of the universe and the wisdom of all time.
The Alchemists were seeking the ancient truths and deep teachings. They wanted to master the ability to turn lead into gold. This quest has captured the attention of people for thousands of years. The truth is that this process held symbolic wisdom of transforming your life and to find the gold that is within you. The elements of alchemy will shed the Light and wisdom of the universe.
This program is for the scholar that seeks the esoteric teachings, hermetic principles, universal knowledge, mysteries of the universe and high teachings of magic and transformation.
The program includes:
- Path #1: Calcination
- Path #2: Dissolution
- Path #3: Separation
- Path #4: Conjunction
- Path #5: Fermentation
- Path #6: Distillation
- Path #7: Coagulation
- Path #8: Graduation
Pre-requisite: Completion of Sacred Priesthood
- You find that you are craving honey.
- You are connecting with bees.
- You are ready to receive the tools for transformation.
- You want to sweeten your magic.
- You are interested in learning more about alchemical symbolism.
- You are drawn to the stories of turning metal to gold.
The Alchemist
Alchemy * Ascension * Consciousness
Element: Earth
Are you ready to learn the wisdom of the ages?
Are you ready for transformation in the physical?

- Seven Steps of Alchemy
- Layers of Consciousness & Ego
- Levels of Ascension
- Overview of Frequencies & Sound
- Universal Laws
- The Cosmic Rays
- Metals & Planets
- Learning Tarot & Metatron’s Tarot Spread
- Connecting with Bees & Honey
- Becoming a Steward of the Bees
- Experiencing Honey Magic
- Tasting Different Types of Honey
- Making Mead from Honey
DISCLAIMER: As with any educational spiritual ascension program, your experience is going to vary from the other student’s experiences and testimonials. Spiritual growth, self-actualization and transformation are personal and subjective – and results vary from individual to individual. Your transformation on this path is dependent on how much time and commitment you are willing to put into it. Your will be given ancient rituals and magical tools to integrate and use in your daily life. These items will assist you in navigating your life and being the magical creator that you were meant to be. This will take you time, effort and dedication to these teachings. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee results. This is not a “Quick Fix” approach to life. These teachings will transform your perspective and life if you choose to do the work.
2025 Program
The individuals that have completed Sacred Priesthood (OR completed Path #11) are eligible to take this program. This will be the third time the program has been offered.
First Sunday of month 10 AM – 4 PM
- Path #1: Calcination: Sunday, October 5th, 2025
- Path #2: Dissolution: Sunday, November 2nd, 2025
- No December Class
- Path #3: Separation: Sunday, January 4th, 2026
- Path #4: Conjunction: Sunday, February 1st, 2026
- Path #5: Fermentation: Sunday, March 1st, 2026

- No Class in April
- Path #6: Distillation: Sunday, May 3rd, 2026
- Path #7: Coagulation: Sunday, June 7th, 2026
- Path #8: Graduation: Sunday, July 5th, 2026
Pre-requisite: Completion of Sacred Priesthood