Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM

Sacred Priesthood: Path 02 Tools of PROTECTION

The next program is the Tools of Protection.

When you are sensitive to the energies all around you, you will need techniques and tools to protect your energy. How do you know that you are sensitive to energies?

  • Do you get headaches from the bright fluorescent lights?
  • Do you feel drained and exhausted after attending a public event?
  • Do your moods shift after leaving a store, fair, or event?

People that are sensitive pick up on the emotions of other individuals. This was given as a gift and it is part of their navigation system. This process allows them to understand the emotions of the individuals surrounding them. It filters the energy around them and provides them with clarity and guidance.

The key to this blessing is not to take on another individual’s emotions. Remember that we all have our own baggage and work. It is not your job to take on the emotional weight or baggage of other people.

Your Divine team (angels, guardians, guides, and love ones) are guiding you to this program. This program will provide you with powerful tools and techniques on protection.

What are you waiting for?


  • Introduction/Opening
  • Connecting to Herbs
  • Protection Tools
  • Clearing Practices
  • Rituals
  • The Correspondence

You will learn about numerous tools and techniques for clearing and protection. It is important that you understand how energies affect your life on many different levels.

NOTE: Correspondence is allowing the students to connect with Animal Spirits, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Colors, & Crystals each month. 

What do you receive in this class?

The published book for this class is 230+ pages. It has been written and designed by Vialet B Rayne.

The students also receive access to the online lectures, meditations, and documents for this class. There are 63+ recorded lessons online for the students to review after the class.

You receive eight rituals/prayers in this program. 

We will be making Protection Salt in this program.

Our Sacred Priestess, Elizabeth Harrison, will provide a session on protection techniques. Elizabeth was part of the Sacred Priesthood #Enlightenment group.

Elizabeth, Sacred Priestess of #Enlightenment, will be a guest presenter at the class. She will be sharing her perspective on Protection.

If you have connected to your spiritual gifts and you are ready to expand those gifts for the benefit of yourself, your family and humanity; this is the program for YOU! 

What are the students saying about this program?

  • I am experiencing major shifts in my life. My friends and famly have noticed and are seeking my guidance. Sacred Priesthood has given me the tools to help myself, my family, my friends and my clients. 
  • I am seeing a change in my perception of myself. I am accepting that I AM a divine being and that I AM loved. 
  • I have expanded my awareness past my own percepftion and experience as I remember the knowledge that I had forgotten.
  • I have received practical spiritual tools. 
  • I love the rituals of protection. They are powerful and I am using them in my life and work. 
  • I have started focusing on what really matters in my life including taking ownership of my own spiritual gifts. 
  • I am making deeper connections with my oversoul. 
  • I am loving myself more and more as I strive for unconditional love for self. 
  • I am learning about what “being in service” really means. 


Each of the students are given access to the online platform for these teachings. The platform includes recorded lectures, exercises, videos, meditations, quizzes and much more. The teachings continue outside of the classroom and temple. The students are given access to hundreds and hundreds of resources online. 

  • I love having access to take the meditations over and over again
  • I love being able to listen to lectures again
  • I love having the ability to download resources off of the website


The students will learn about protection salt. Everyone will make their own recipe of protection salt and find out how to use it.

What is the pre-requisite for taking this program? There is none. This is the first path to empower your life with these magical teachings. Sacred Priesthood will expose you to many of the ancient teachings.

What have the staff said about this program?


“I have watched this specific group of ladies from the beginning of their first steps on the mystery school path. And there has been an ABSOLUTE change in each and every one of these wonderful women. This group of sacred priestesses is called Angelic. And that name for this group doesn’t not fail who each one of these ladies are. It has been such a wonderful experience to watch each of them step fully into their scared priestess energy. Congratulations beautiful ladies! You ALL are so amazing!”

Samantha Gonzales

DYSG Team Member

A Glimpse of the Book for Path #02


The first step in meeting with Vialet. She can answer your questions and provide you an overview of the expectations of joining this class. We start a new group each year, so she can share with you about the next group that is starting. 

“As you awaken, you will want to be guided by your intuition. The outcome is that you become sensitive to the energies around you and you need to learn about protection. There are many levels to protection.”

– Vialet B Rayne

Book an appointment to meet with Vialet: 


Sacred Priesthood Intro: Program Schedule

Tricia shares her experience with this program
Sacred Priesthood Books for the Element of Earth

DISCLAIMER: As with any educational spiritual ascension program, your experience is going to vary from the other student’s experiences and testimonials. Spiritual growth, self-actualization and transformation are personal and subjective – and results vary from individual to individual. Your transformation on this path is dependent on how much time and commitment you are willing to put into it. You will be given ancient rituals and magical tools to integrate and use in your daily life. These items will assist you in navigating your life and being the magical creator that you were meant to be. This will take you time, effort and dedication to these teachings. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee results. This is not a “Quick Fix” approach to life. These teachings will transform your perspective and life if you choose to do the work.