We move into the Path #04 Beauty of Sacred Priesthood.
The beauty of this world is in every sunrise, sunset, mountain range, ocean view and view of nature. When we look at what God has created, we see the beauty of his creation. The beauty of trees, flowers, and all living creatures on this planet. You may not see the beauty within the eyes of a spider, but someone else will see that beauty, and the beauty in the web that the spider creates.
Where do you see beauty?
Beauty is often distorted, misunderstood and shadowed by a wide variety of conflicting pressures. Beauty is different for each person. I believe that some people have missed out on seeing the beauty all around them.
When we explore beauty, we must also talk about inner beauty. As you connect to the divine being of every person, you will see the beauty of who they are in divine perfection. Beauty is within all living things, including YOU!
Are you ready to see your beauty?

- Introduction/Opening
- About Beauty
- 16 Petal Lotus
- The Rose
- Salts & Sacred Baths
- The Rituals
- The Correspondence
NOTE: Correspondence is allowing the students to connect with Animal Spirits, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Colors, & Crystals each month.
What do you receive in this class?
The published book for this class is 208 pages. It has been written and designed by Vialet B Rayne.
The students also receive access to the online lectures, meditations, and documents for this class. There are 64+ recorded lessons online for the students to review after the class.
You receive four rituals/prayers in this program.
You will be making rosewater and bath salt mixtures in this class.
Tricia, Sacred Priestess of #Gratitude, will be a guest presenter at the class. She will be sharing a recipe for a Use of Rosewater.
The students will learn how to make rosewater and bath salts. They get to work in the apothecary and connect with the different elements.

Step in the experience of BEAUTY
What are students saying about this program?
How would you describe this program?
“There is so much included in this program that I believe that everyone could benefit from walking this path. For beginners, it is an amazing overview of all things spiritual. For seasonal spiritualists, this program helps to make connections between schools of thought and various tools & practices that can deepen your understanding and practice. For skeptics or those who may be unsure of there “right” to learn and practice magic, Sacred Priesthood is an open, non-judgmental, and supportive environment to learn what all the hub-bub is about.”

Allison Walsh
#Enlightenment (2023) & #Empowerment (2024) Groups
Ready to join us? The first step in meeting with Vialet. She can answer your questions and provide you an overview of the expectations of joining this class. We start a new group each year, so she can share with you about the next group that is starting.
“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”
– Confucius
Book an appointment to meet with Vialet:
Sacred Priesthood Intro: Program Schedule
- Path 1: New Sacred Beginnings
- Path 2: Tools of Protection
- Path 3: Connecting to Sacredness
- Path 4: Stepping into Beauty
- Path 5: Embracing Love & Grace
- Path 6: Healing & Releasing
- Path 7: Living a Life of Gratitude
- Path 8: Magical Tools of Transformation
- Path 9: Creating a Prosperous Life
- Path 10: Becoming Sovereign & Empowered
- Path 11: Celebration of Sacred Ceremonies
- Path 12: Being in Service to the Light
- Path 13: Sacred Temple Ceremony

DISCLAIMER: As with any educational spiritual ascension program, your experience is going to vary from the other student’s experiences and testimonials. Spiritual growth, self-actualization and transformation are personal and subjective – and results vary from individual to individual. Your transformation on this path is dependent on how much time and commitment you are willing to put into it. You will be given ancient rituals and magical tools to integrate and use in your daily life. These items will assist you in navigating your life and being the magical creator that you were meant to be. This will take you time, effort and dedication to these teachings. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee results. This is not a “Quick Fix” approach to life. These teachings will transform your perspective and life if you choose to do the work.