The journey continues with Path #12: Ceremony.
The students complete their PhD program. The class is divided into groups. The groups are required to design and delivery a ceremony aligned with a theme. Each of the members of the group delivery a portion of the ceremony including setting an altar.
The class exchanges gifts representing their own magic. The groups have given several different types of gifts including:
- Bath salts
- Intention candles
- Dream catchers
- Essential oil blends
- Candles
- And more . . . . .
The students are divided into teams. They demonstrate the teachings with an altar and ceremony. Here are some of the altars that have been created for ceremonies.

“Sacred Priesthood provides practical tools for transforming your life and empowering your spiritual journey.”
If you have connected to your spiritual gifts and you are ready to expand those gifts for the benefit of yourself, your family and humanity; this is the program for YOU!
What are the students saying about this program?
- I am experiencing major shifts in my life. My friends and famly have noticed and are seeking my guidance. Sacred Priesthood has given me the tools to help myself, my family, my friends and my clients.
- I am seeing a change in my perception of myself. I am accepting that I AM a divine being and that I AM loved.
- I have expanded my awareness past my own percepftion and experience as I remember the knowledge that I had forgotten.
- I have received practical spiritual tools.
- I love the rituals of protection. They are powerful and I am using them in my life and work.
- I have started focusing on what really matters in my life including taking ownership of my own spiritual gifts.
- I am making deeper connections with my oversoul.
- I am loving myself more and more as I strive for unconditional love for self.
- I am learning about what “being in service” really means.
Each of the students are given access to the online platform for these teachings. The platform includes recorded lectures, exercises, videos, meditations, quizzes and much more. The teachings continue outside of the classroom and temple. The students are given access to hundreds and hundreds of resources online.
- I love having access to take the meditations over and over again
- I love being able to listen to lectures again
- I love having the ability to download resources off of the website

The students receive two additional books in this program:
- Resource Book
- Rituals & Magic Book
There are requirements for you to complete this program. This program is NOT a spiritual class. It is a path of dedication to service. Your attendance is critical in your own personal commitment to this path.
You must:
- Attend 12 out of the 13 programs. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis. We highly recommend that students only miss one class in this programs. This program represents your commitment to the Divine, your teacher, and the other students on the path. You have been called to this path and your personal work will lead to your own transformation. For the safety of everyone, students cannot attend class sick or ill. Each of the classes build upon the next class.
- You must attend Path #12 and participate in the group project in Path #12.
- You must attend the graduation.
- Follow the dress code and be dedicated to your work.
- Complete all the online lessons on Teachable. (100% completion)
- Be able to do the main seven rituals that are handed down in this program.
- Understand the foundation and elements of setting a sacred altar.
- Understand how to lead a sacred ceremony using the tools provided in this program.
- Be in good standing with the financial obligations and be paid in full thirty (30) days before graduation.
If you are unable to complete all the requirements for graduation, you may walk the path again with the next group. NOTE: Students that miss more than one class may be required to start the program again with the next class and will not be able to graduate.
Ready to join us? The first step in meeting with Vialet. She can answer your questions and provide you an overview of the expectations of joining this class. We start a new group each year, so she can share with you about the next group that is starting.
“The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.”
– Wayne Dyer
Book an appointment to meet with Vialet:
Sacred Priesthood Intro: Program Schedule
- Path 1: New Sacred Beginnings
- Path 2: Tools of Protection
- Path 3: Connecting to Sacredness
- Path 4: Stepping into Beauty
- Path 5: Embracing Love & Grace
- Path 6: Healing & Releasing
- Path 7: Living a Life of Gratitude
- Path 8: Magical Tools of Transformation
- Path 9: Creating a Prosperous Life
- Path 10: Becoming Sovereign & Empowered
- Path 11: Celebration of Sacred Ceremonies
- Path 12: Being in Service to the Light
- Path 13: Sacred Temple Ceremony
- Join Priesthood: Graduation Requirements & Program Costs

DISCLAIMER: As with any educational spiritual ascension program, your experience is going to vary from the other student’s experiences and testimonials. Spiritual growth, self-actualization and transformation are personal and subjective – and results vary from individual to individual. Your transformation on this path is dependent on how much time and commitment you are willing to put into it. You will be given ancient rituals and magical tools to integrate and use in your daily life. These items will assist you in navigating your life and being the magical creator that you were meant to be. This will take you time, effort and dedication to these teachings. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee results. This is not a “Quick Fix” approach to life. These teachings will transform your perspective and life if you choose to do the work.