Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM


  • The Month of December

    The Month of December

    The Energy of December DECEMBER IS THE MONTH OF COMPLETION As you come to the end of the year, December is about Completion. What have you finished? What has not been completed? Energies are building up for the holidays and everyone is rushing to get ready for the holidays. It is easy to overlook completing… Read more

  • The Month of November

    The Month of November

    The Energy of November NOVEMBER IS THE MONTH OF SERVICE & GRATITUDE The month of November holds the energy of Service & Gratitude. This month is about how you can be of service to the yourself and the world.This is the time of year that most people look for opportunities to be of service to… Read more

  • The Month of October

    The Month of October

    The Month of October The Energy of October OCTOBER IS THE MONTH OF MAGICK The month of October holds the energy of Magic. This month brings in the magic of the universe. The leaves on the trees are changing colors, the air is turning colder, and the landscape is reminding us that a change of… Read more

  • The Month of September

    The Month of September

    The Month of September The Energy of September SEPTEMBER IS THE MONTH OF REFLECTION The month of September holds the energy of Reflection. This month requires that you connect with the element of water. What has your year been like? How are you flowing with the changes and challenges that have been placed on your… Read more

  • The Month of August

    The Month of August

    The Month of August The Energy of August AUGUST IS THE MONTH OF HARVESTING The month of August holds the energy of Harvesting. This month holds space for each of us to harvest the seeds that we have planted throughout the year. The farmers have always used the end of summer to harvest crops to… Read more

  • The Month of July

    The Month of July

    The Month of July The Energy of July JULY IS THE MONTH OF CELEBRATION & FAMILY The month of July holds the energy of Celebration & Family. This month holds space for each of us to remember the traditions that have been part of your family. How does your family gather and celebrate? Celebrations &… Read more